The USS Eagle, NCC 2185,

A Star Trek Sim / Star Trek RPG



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 Real Life Medical Definitions and Terminology
Star Trek Devices and Treatment

        Devices / Stories
Avulsion Fracture
Ligament or tendon attached to a bone pulls away part of the bone.
Osteo Regenerator / Osteo Stimulator for bone.
Bowing Fracture
Bone bends. (Children)
Osteo Regenerator / Osteo Stimulator for bone.
Compression Fracture
Bone broken by another bone or broken along the length (Elderly)
Osteo Regenerator / Osteo Stimulator
Comminuted Fracture
Bone is broken into more than two pieces or is crushed
Osteo Regenerator / Osteo Stimulator
Neurogenic Fracture
Broken bone has damaged its nerve supply
Osteo Regenerator / Osteo Stimulator for bone. Neural regenerator for nerve.
Greenstick Fracture    
Bone cracks on one side and not all the way through. (Children)    
Osteo Regenerator / Osteo Stimulator
Complicated Fracture
Broken bone has  damaged vital organs or major blood vessels
Osteo Regenerator / Osteo Stimulator for bone.
Complete Fracture
Bone has broken into two pieces. br> Osteo Regenerator / Osteo Stimulator
Open  Fracture  
Bone has broken through the skin  
Osteo Regenerator / Osteo Stimulator for bone. Anabolic protoplaser or dermal regenerator for skin.
Pathological Fracture
Bone broken due to being weak from a tumor has grown into the bone
Osteo Regenerator / Osteo Stimulator for bone. Laser scapel to remove tumor or another treatment. Other devices and drugs as needed to restore surrounding tissue and underlying pathological cause.
Splinter  Fracture   
Bone is broken into splinter shapes
Remove fragments, possibly realigning them to restore bone. Osteo Regenerator / Osteo Stimulator to grow and restore broken bone.
Single   Fracture
Bone is broken in one place.
Osteo Regenerator / Osteo Stimulator
Trophic  Fracture
Bone has broken as a result of nutritional deficiencies
Osteo Regenerator / Osteo Stimulator for bone. Drugs and treatment as needed to correct the nutitional deficiencies.


Hail the Captain of the USS Eagle

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- Includes our main menu, logs, stories, mission, orders,Oberth ship specs, character list, buddy icons and more!

Medical Links:

Star Trek Sim Medical Dictionary for Drugs
Star Trek Drugs - Molecular Diagrams, Data, etc.
Star Trek Sim Medical Dictionary for Injuries: Bones/Fractures
Star Trek Sim Medical Dictionary for Injuries: Blood
Star Trek Sim Medical Dictionary for Injuries: Burns
Star Trek Sim Medical Dictionary for Devices
Star Trek Sim Medical Dictionary for Injuries: Anaphylaxis
Star Trek Sim Medical Dictionary for Injuries: Memory Loss
Online Medical Resources (Scroll to medical section)
Star Trek Sim Medical Stories: Trick or Treatment
Star Trek Sim Medical Stories: Doctor Dilemma
Star Trek Sim Medical Stories: Thalessmia
Star Trek  Medical Buddy Icons
Cartoon Field Medical Kit
Cartoon Field Surgical Kit
Cartoon Sickbay
Cartoon Monitor
CMO Quarters
AMO Quarters

Star Trek Sim Guide Links

Star Trek Sim Guides:General
Star Trek Sim Guides: Helm
Star Trek Sim Guides: Advanced Helm and Fighter Pilot
Star Trek Sim Guides:Space Battles - Beginner and Advanced
Star Trek Sim Guides: Weapon Commands
Star Trek Sim Guides: Combat
Star Trek Sim Guides: Dice

Star Trek Department Links:

Star Trek Departments and Departmental Logos
Other Star Trek Departments: Medical
Star Trek Departments: Engineeering
Star Trek Departments: Science
Other Star Trek Departments: Security



1)For simming against in the days of TOS
2)For a DS9 Era Klingon Sim with an honorable ancient Klingon House

GO TO Klingon House: tuq qimat



The USS Eaglet NCC 008-013 is now forming. If you would like your children (ages 8 to 13) to sim in a totally G rated environment, please contact me at . This Star Trek Sim will be based on the Original Series movie era just like the USS Eagle but will be totally geared toward a younger audience. We will be teaching them how to sim, team work and some science. Parents are welcome to join and sim along side their children