Thank you for your interest in the Eagle Group Games. We have a collection of role playing games to chose from, including live sims, PBEMS and non Star Trek sim games. Please see the bottom of this page for a partial listing.
This form is for the Star Trek Sim called "The Adventures of the USS Eagle". This is a live sim played on the internet via an aol/aim chatroom. The Eagle is a Star Trek sim based on Star Trek: The Original Series or "TOS" as it is more commonly used on line. (In the sim world, the abbreviation for "The Original Series" is "TOS" or "OS".) We enjoy simming "back in the old days" when both brains and brawn saved the day and hammered out more than a few peace treaties. The sims are usually rated G but depending on the plot line, the rating can go as high as PG 17. Our online Star Trek Role Playing Game meets in a chatroom at an appointed time to "live" sim. If you would like further information, to join a different game we have in our sim group or to ask me a question, please email me at This RPG character sheet is for the USS Eagle only.
If you are interested in joining and creating a character for the USS Eagle RPG, please continue reading. A sample of a form to aid you in making a complete biography for a character is below. You need not fill out all the sections.
Please remember that our Eagle TOS sim takes place in the year 2293. This is during Star Trek TOS (The Original Series) Era. It is before the movie, ST VI: The Undiscovered Country. Your character must fit within this TOS period at 2293. For example, there are no Klingons, Q's or Romulans serving onboard Federation starships.
Please click submit to email with a copy of this page when you are finished with it or email if you need assistance. If you have any questions, please email You do not have to fill out all the fields or create a character to apply.
Other Star Trek Sim Group Games:
Pandora's Box, SI: Intel PBEM Group
Starfleet Intelligence's latest and greatest experimental spy ship in this Star Trek PBEM."
Pandora's Box... Some things are best left unopened."
KLIN, Klingon Long-range Imperial Navy
Hybrid live and PBEM sim that takes on the Dominion behind enemy lines during the Dominion War.
"Today IS a good day to die! Apply now!"
GNEC, Gagh No Extra Charge: Klingon PBEM Group
Time traveling TOS Klingons get trapped in 1960s Earth in this comedy RPG working at a restaurant.
"Don't forget to tip!"
House of Kemat: Klingon House
An ancient an honorable house, whose membership spans through many time periods and for costume use.
Join to play or use for your Klingon Kredentials.
"qaStaHvsIS wa'ram loS SaD Hugh SljlaH qetboqh loD!"
Adventures of a TOS Tramp Freighter, PBEM
Star Trek PBEM that travels around the galaxy looking for their next gig.
"No job that pays big is too small."
The USS Eaglet, NCC 008-013
Star Trek live sim for children, ages 8-13. Parents and guardians are welcome to sim along with their children.
Star Trek Sanctuary PBEM Group
Star Trek PBEM where spies, witnesses and villains get a new start a new life.
"Sanctuary: Paradise or Prison?"
Star Trek RPG Resources
Klingon Dictionary
Especially made with the simmer and role player in mind!!
Star Trek Rank Insignia
TOS pins from the movies
Star Trek Sim Guides
Medical Dictionaries, Engineering Guides and more!
Star Trek Blue Prints
Captain's Quarters, Transporter Room and more!
Non Star Trek sim - Stargate Sim Group - Stargate RPG:
Stargate RPG, Stargate PBEM, Stargate Omoa, Stargate Manoa, Stargate Eldorado
The Mayan doomsday calendar counts down!
Your Game Here!
Do you have a game you would like to advertise and for your game to join our group?
Just send an email to
Nouri Kemat
with your G or PG rated game to discuss how Eagle Group Games can help you get started or soar!