The year is 2374. It is the beginning of the Dominion War. Eight Vor'cha class ships and five Birds of Prey have been retrofitted for a secret mission to strike deep into the heart of Jem'Hadar territory.They knew they would not be coming back. That did not bother them. The brave warriors knew it was a suicide mission. They were happy to spill their blood for the glory of the Klingon Empire. They would show those Jem'Hadar what Klingons were made of- the stuff of legends.
Everything was proceeding as planned. The original time line was being preserved, until... something went wrong - very wrong.
The thirteen ships encountered an anomaly. All were believed lost by Klingon and Federation Intelligence. But we know better. We know two ships survived, The War Hammer and The Sword of Justice.
Alone and with no hope of reinforements or supply ships they must make their way to the rendezvous point to complete their mission.
Of course they will have a little fun along the way showing the Dominion the meaning of the phrase "thlIngan maH!"
Think you have what it takes? Is today a good day to die?? If so, Email NouriKemat@aol.com for details.