Star Trek Sim/ Star Trek RPG

The USS Eagle, NCC 2185

star trek medical logo Medical Department star trek medical logo


Duty log with medical report attached.
Medical Report: Stardate 200102.26


Thasselmia, continued
More links- Coming soon.

Star Trek Sim Resources and Star Trek Sim Guides:

Star Trek Sim Guide: General Information, Terms, Lingo and Acronyms
Star Trek Sim Guide: How to Play AMO
Medical Dictionary: Drugs
Star Trek Drugs - Molecular Diagrams, Data, etc.
Medical Dictionary: Devices
Medical Dictionary for Injuries: Burns
Medical Dictionary for Injuries: Fractures
Medical Dictionary for Terms, Diseases and Abnormalities: Blood
Star Trek Sim Medical Dictionary for Injuries: Anaphylaxis
Star Trek Sim Medical Dictionary for Injuries: Memory Loss
Real life technical links

Medical Kits: Contents and Images

Star Trek Field Surgical Medical Kit - Case
Star Trek Field Medical Kit - Pouch

Medical Logs and Bios:

Chief Medical Officer (CMO)
Assistant Medical Officer (AMO): Dr. Sullivan
Assistant Medical Officer (AMO): Dr. Kamran Isa
Assistant Medical Officer (AMO): Dr. Sarie (Off duty picture only)


Sickbay, Cartoon image of-Please hit the back key to return to this Star Trek web page on Tripod
Sickbay Monitor , Cartoon image of-Please hit the back key to return to this Star Trek web page on Tripod
Sickbay Screen with Diagnosis and Treatment-Please hit the back key to return to this Star Trek web page on Tripod
Star Trek medical buddy icons of medical instruments-Please hit the back key to return to this web page

Star Trek Departments used in our Star Trek sim:

Engineering - Includes Oberth specs
Medical - You are here now
Science - Includes a list of planets
Security - Includes a list of weapons'commands
Communications - Includes communications console
List of departments

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Hail the Captain of the USS Eagle

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