Definition/ Purpose
/ Related Terms
acid base level
pH level of blood
acidosis - too much acid or too little base
alkalosis - too much base or too little acid
blood gas determination
Analysis of acid-base (pH)
of blood, measures amount and pressure if oxygen, carbon dioxide and hydrogen,
used to evaluate heart failure, kidney failure, bleeding, drug overdose,
schock, severe stress
blood level glucose
Amount of glucose found in
blood stream, can indicate diseases inldudng diabetea or pancreatic
blood urea nitrogen (BUN)
Measures amount of nitrogen
in the nlood in the form of uera, can indicate kidney failure, shock, stomach
and bowel bleeding, diabetes millitus, some tumors, liver disease,
normal pregnancy, poor dietary problems
complete blood cell count (CBC)
Measures number of RBCs and
WBCs per cubic milliter of blood
diastolic pressure
Measures force against walls
of artieries when heart is relaxed and chambers fill with blood
Differential white blood cell
Gives percentages of the various
Measures proportion of hemoglobin
in RBCs
Measures proportion of RBCs
to WBCs
Mean copscular volume
Estimates volume of RBCs
Platelet count
Counts number of platelets
in a certain volume
red blood cell count (
Gives the number of RBCs in
a certain volume
red cell indices
red cell absolute values
erythrocyte indices
Measurements of the the
size and hemoglobin (oxygen carrying protein) content, used to
diagnose anemia
reticulocyte count
Gives the number of newly formed
RBCs in a certain volume
Measures force against walls
of artieries during a contraction of the heart where blood is forced
into the aorta and lung arteries
White Blood Count
Gives the number of WBCs in
a certain volume