Star Trek Original Series Sim/ RPG
USS Eagle, NCC 2185
Title: More Questions Than Answers: Trick or Treatment? Part Three
Location: USS Eagle, orbiting Tureth
Setting: Sickbay
Ensign Unstoffe is still covering the CMO with his phaser,"Okay, doc.
Keep working, but I'll just stay here and watch." He has no idea if he should
believe her story or not.
"As you wish," she says, hating his lack of trust in her.
The Executive Officer arrivers and enters.
"Hey...what's going on here? Lahrs?" CDR Cline asks the young Ensign what
"I got a call to report to SB. Found the two Doc's in a scuffle when
I arrived. . . . the CMO won, he explains, pointing to Dr. Pangloss
on deck. He motions to indicate the CMO and continues,"She claims Dr. P was
trying to kill the Captain and attacked her when she interrupted."
Commander Cline asks," Laleila?"
"I cannot talk. Captain is critical," she barely manages to respond, engrossed
in her work.
CDR Cline pulls out a tricorder and checks the prone Pangloss over. "Get
this man to a bio-bed. Now!" he yells to Lahrs and his two security men.
"Aye, sir," the Ensign replies, motioning to other security personnel to
put the AMO on nearby bio-bed and restrain him.
"Keep a guard on Pangloss and you stay here and keep an eye on Laeila," the
XO orders.
"Aye, sir," Unstoffe replies directing his security team to take up strategic
points around sickbay.
The CMO replies agitatedly, "Trying to save the Captain's life.
Afterward, I will gather my evidence To support my claims. Pangloss' treatments
nearly killed the Captain."
The XO does not know whether to believe her or not. He stares at the Captain's
lifeless body. Jim leans in and says to Nouri encouragingly, "Your looking
good. Keep on fighting."
Another loud series of noises indicates, Dr. Pangloss' lifesigns are failing
right along with the Captain's.
The CMO mutters and leaves the Captain to try to stabilize the AMO, who was
in worse shape. The CMO tries to juggle between the two critical patients
while the XO and ASEC try to juggle the facts to find out what is going on.
Title: More Questions Than Answers: Trick or Treatment? Part Four
Location: USS Eagle, orbiting Tureth
Setting: Sickbay
Sickbay was a mess. There were knocked over tables and carts. Medical devices
and supplies about on the floor. The Captain and Dr. Pangloss were dying.
The Captain was dying from some complication with the Accelerated Genetic
Therapy treatments. The doctor was dying from causes unknown. He was doing
worse than the CO.
"Is there anybody I can call for you, some assistants or nurses?" the XO
asks the CMO.
She curses, "All are away. He timed his assassination attempt well."
"I have rudimentary EMT training, anything I can do to help?" he asks.
"Try to stabilize the Doctor. I will concentrate on the Captain," she
She returns to the Captain, stabilizes him and he regains consciousness.
The Captain tries feebly to get up. "Do not move, sir, you are very ill,"
Dr. Laleia-Lii orders him.
"I'm sorry CMO, this is way beyond my medical knowledge," the XO says staring
at the failing indicators for Dr. Pangloss.
Dr Laleia-Lii moves over to Pangloss and tries to stabilize him also.
Title: More Questions Than Answers: Trick or Treatment? Part Five
Location: USS Eagle, orbiting Tureth
Setting: Sickbay
The Executive officer rushed to the Captain's side while worked on Dr. Pangloss.
"Sir, you're in SB and you must remain lying down," CDR Cline said to the
CO. His job was to keep the Captain still.
The Captain recognizes the voice but could not see his best friend clearly.
"Am done with these treatments, yet?? Hate them," he asks weakly.
"Almost, Sir. Just relax and rest right now," Jim replies.
The Captain raises his hand to his face to see if his human DNA has been
restored yet, hoping the mutations are over. He squints and sees to his relief
that his skin was no longer the very pale color of a Galadon but it was flecked
with a bronze color. He took his hand and touched his forehead and nose.
To his disappointment, they had not changed back to his old human self.
"I'm sure Laeila will explain your treatment to you as soon as she is able,"
Commander Cline says trying to avoid saying what happened.
"Laleia-Lii ?? I thought .. Pangloss was doing the treatments," he
says groggily and confused.
Several feet away, the Captain hears the CMO shout," Live! I want you
to live so that you can rot in jail!" He did not know to whom she was speaking.
This made him want to get up and find out what was going on. Jim firm but
gently restrained him.
Finally, Dr. Frelli enters sickbay and looks for duty officer to report in
late. He is very sleepy looking.
"Sorry I am late. My alarm never went off on Tureth. Did I miss..." he pauses
and gulps, seeing the disarray of the room, the security and the failing
indicators of the Captain and Dr. Pangloss.
".. anything," he finished the sentence meekly and reluctantly.
Title: More Questions Than Answers: Trick or Treatment? Part Six
Location: USS Eagle, orbiting Tureth
Setting: Sickbay
LCDR Laleia-Lii, the CMO of the USS Eagle, comes over to look at what the
AMO thinks he found. "What is your theory?" she asks.
Dr. Frelli clears his throats and says, "These treatments were supposed to
restore the CO's human DNA. They sort of did but..part of it was not enough
and part of it went to far... The treatments triggered suppressed genetic
defects on BOTH sides of his family, I bet. With the Captain's ancestors
being from Crete and Southern China ... it was like a double whammy. The
odds of this happening are amazing. It's Beta thalassemia major. I just know
is, "he says administering a powerful chelating agent.
"It was intentional. I know that it was..." she says clearly annoyed.
The AMO thinks hard and speaks, "Is it possible that you over reacted? No
one has seen a case of Beta thalassemia major in hmmm centuries. Genetic
Engineering in the mid 22nd Century suppressed those genes for future generations.
I think these treatments to end the Captain mutating into a Galadon just
went to far in restoring the his human DNA and accidentally triggered the
suppressed geneses. With his East Asian and Mediterranean background the
odds of him having these surpressed genes are higher than if his ancestors
came from other places. It does not have to be deliberate."
The CMO lowered her tone and said quietly and seriously, "I do not believe
so. I trust my gut."
"I only know about that because I took some specialized medical history classes
to meet... Uh never mind," he adds looking embarrassed.
"Moebian instinct," she replies curtly as she looks up and stares him in
the eyes.
Although she was much shorter than him and had to look up to see his face,
the AMO knows quite clearly that she was "staring him down". The chattering
AMO gulps hard and shuts up.
Title: More Questions Than Answers: Trick or Treatment? Part Seven
Location: USS Eagle, orbiting Tureth
Setting: Sickbay
Dr. Pangloss regains consciousness: He looks at the CMO, his eyes fill with
terror. He tries to shout but his voice is barely audible and struggling
to get up, "Get away from me. Stop trying to kill me. What is wrong with
Ensign Unstoffe was still watching very closely. He is thinking, "If either
CO or Dr. P dies, the CMO is heading for the brig pending a full investigation."
"What did he say???" the XO asks.
"He thinks that I am trying to kill him, sir," the CMO responds.
Ensign Unstoffe activates a recorder for anything said in sickbay in case
it is needed for a trial later.
"Are they going to live, Doc? the young Ensign asks worriedly.
"I... I do not know. We can only hope," she replies.
Then she turns to the XO to halfheartedly explain the medical readouts to
Meanwhile Ensign Ralph successfully reconstructs a functional pirate sensor
fooling probe!!!
Title: More Questions Than Answers: Trick or Treatment? Part Eight
Location: USS Eagle, orbiting Tureth
Setting: Sickbay
"Is the Captain's condition stable? You seem to be spending a lot of
time on Dr. Pangloss," the XO asks concerned.
"The Captain is relatively stable. Pangloss I am not so sure of. The
Captain has a good chance of survival at this point. No thanks to Pangloss,"
she mutters. Pangloss condition is the result of a failed suicide-attempt.
"Can he talk, Pangloss- I mean?" the First Officer clarifies.
"I am not sure, and it may not be good for him at this point," Dr. Laleia-Lii
"I don't care what's good for him. I need some answers!" the XO orders
The CMO steps back, looking very stressed and replies, "Then get them."
"Pangloss, can you hear me. It's Jim," CDR Cline says beginning the questioning.
"Yes. What is going on?" he asks weakly.
"You're in sickbay. You're in pretty bad shape. What happened?" Cline
asks him.
The XO turned to the security officer and whispered, "Patch the ship's computer
through your tricorder to test the truth of his answers."
"Aye, sir," came the Ensign's swift reply.
"I was giving the CO his treatments and the CMO attacked me," Dr. Pangloss
The XO nods to Unstoffe. "Proceed, Ensign," he orders. CDR Cline returns
to the man in the bio bed to try and find out the truth.
"What kind of treatment were you giving the CO?" the First Officer asks.
"I was trying to restore his human DNA," he says.
The computer chimes and says in its mechanical voice> All vitals signs
are consistent with Dr. Pangloss telling the truth.
"Had you discussed this treatment with the CMO?"
"Yes," the stricken AMO says.
Computer> Ding. All vitals signs are consistent with Dr. Pangloss
telling the truth.
"And did he agree with your course of action?"
Computer> Ding. All vitals signs are consistent with Dr. Pangloss
telling the truth.
"Was your treatment going to cure the Captain?"
The CMO is barely able to contains her anger. She is becoming more enraged
each minute.
"I do not know. I hoped so," he says.
Computer> Ding. All vitals signs are consistent with Dr. Pangloss
telling the truth.
"Was there a risk that your treatment might harm the Captain?" Nouri's friend
"Yes," the AMO answers flatly.
Computer> Ding. All vitals signs are consistent with Dr. Pangloss
telling the truth.
It is clear from the look in her eyes that CMO wants to more than stand by
"Patience," she tells herself. "He is clever, but will slip up eventually.
I will
let him set his own trap." She smiles like a feline with her eye on a hapless
"Was the risk of harm greater than the chance of a cure?" the XO asks.
"I believe that the captain was dying from the mutations," Pangloss responds.
Computer> Ding. All vitals signs are consistent with Dr. Pangloss
telling the truth.
The CMO says quietly but loud enough to be heard, "That was not a straight
"I tried to restore his human DNA," Pangloss tries to explain.
Computer> Ding. All vitals signs are consistent with Dr. Pangloss
telling the truth.
"Answer the question, Pangloss," the XO insists.
"What?" Dr. Pangloss asks weakly as the questions have been a lot for him
to answer. He is loosing his concentration. He fades out. The struggle to
keep conscious is too much for him.
"Was it likely that your treatment would harm or kill the Captain before
it cured him?!" Cline asks. He then sees that the interrogated has fallen
"Keep him conscious!" the XO yells.
The CMO hurries to follow that order. She wants very much to see this man
trip up and herself vindicated. Dr. Pangloss revives.
Dr. Pangloss screams as much as he can in his condition, "Get her away from
"I am trying to keep you alive," she yells as she happily restrains him.
"I would not have tried the treatment if I thought it would not be effective,"
Dr. Pangloss cries shakily, still trying to frame the CMO.
Computer> Ding. All vitals signs are consistent with Dr. Pangloss
telling the truth.
"Calm down. Effective in what way?
Dr. Pangloss becomes more agitated and says" to restore his human DNA."
"I don't trust that things readings in his condition," the XO says pointing
at the tricorder. "Let's test it out."
"Where are you?" CDR Cline asks.
Dr. Pangloss is losing consciousness but replies, "on the Eagle"
Computer> Ding. All vitals signs are consistent with Dr. Pangloss
telling the truth.
"Where on the Eagle?" he asks.
"Sickbay, he falters.
Computer> Ding. All vitals signs are consistent with Dr. Pangloss
telling the truth.
"Who are you?" he continues the questions.
"Do.." Pangloss begins.
"Keep him awake, Doc! Just two more questions!"
"NO!" the CMO shouts, trying to bring her assailant back to consciousness.
Title: More Questions Than Answers: Trick or Treatment? Part Nine
Location: USS Eagle, orbiting Tureth
Setting: Sickbay
Dr. Pangloss eyes blink and open. He knew he was going to have a hard time
keeping this up. He deliberately looks at the CMO, grows agitated and yells
again, "Get her away from me!!" He was hoping that would buy him some time.
"Again, who are you!?" the XO demands.
Dr. Pangloss just lies inert, concentrating on trying to focus
"Who are you?" the XO asks. He had a different approach in mind now.
"Dr. Pangloss," he rasps.
Computer> Ding. All vitals signs are consistent with Dr. Pangloss
telling the truth.
"Why were you trying to kill the Captain?" the XO says trying to throw in
a zinger.
Dr. Pangloss is worn out from the questioning, the stimulants and the battle
against his wishes to remain alive. If he were well he'd have been able to
fool the lie detector. He was that good at his profession but the strain
was too much for him. He just wanted to be left alone and die. "Because he
knows too much. He'll stop them. He's the only one
who ..."
Computer> Ding. All vitals signs are consistent with Dr. Pangloss
telling the truth.
Dr. Pangloss swears at his lapse. Struggling against this was to much even
for someone with his remarkable background and training. He could only hope
that his employers did not know where his family was hiding. They'd be killed
for sure for this.
"No more questions," he says flatly and dies.
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