Star Trek Sim/ Star Trek RPG

The USS Eagle, NCC 2185

star trek engineering logo Engineering Department star trek medical logo


Duty log with engineering report attached.
Engineering Report: Stardate 200102.26

Specifications and Modifications four our Oberth class ship:

Specs for our Oberth ship

Resources and Guides:

Star Trek Sim Guide: General Information, Terms, Lingo and Acronyms
Star Trek Sim Guide: Engineering - Torpedoes and Probes- IN PROGRESS!
Star Trek Sim Guide: Engineering - Transporter- IN PROGRESS!
Engineering Dictionary-In the planning phase

Engineer Logs and Bios:

Chief Engineer's Quarters: (Logs and bio)
Assistant Engineer's Quarters:LTjg Valderkev (Logs and bio)
Assistant Engineer's Quarters:LT Anderson (Logs and bio)
Assistant Engineer's Quarters:LTjg Yajiru (Logs and bio)
Assistant Engineer's Quarters: Ensign Riker (Logs and bio)

Images of our Oberth:

Star Trek Oberth Exterior Cartoon Images Page One
Star Trek Oberth Exterior Cartoon Images Page Two
Star Trek Oberth Exterior Cartoon Images Page Three


Star Trek Oberth Blueprints Page One, Captain's Quarters
Star Trek Oberth Blueprints Page Two, Transporter Room
Star Trek Oberth Blueprints Page Three, Senior Officer's Quarters
Star Trek Oberth Blueprints Page Four, Junior Officer's Quarters
Star Trek Oberth Blueprints Page Five, Torpedo Room - NEW!
Star Trek Oberth Blueprints Page Six, The Bridge - COMING SOON!


Main Engineering, Cartoon image of-Please hit the back key to return to this Star Trek web page on Tripod
Torpedo Room, Cartoon image of-Please hit the back key to return to this Star Trek web page on Tripod
Transporter Room, Cartoon image of-Please hit the back key to return to this Star Trek web page on Tripod

Star Trek Departments used in our Star Trek sim:

Engineering - You are here now.
Medical - Includes a drug dictionary
Science - Includes a list of planets
Security - Includes a list of weapons' commands
Communications - Includes communications console
List of departments


Animated cartoon Oberth traveling through space-Please hit the back key to return to this Star Trek web page on Tripod
External views of our Oberth, Cartoon image of-Please hit the back key to return to this Star Trek web page on Tripod

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Hail the Captain of the USS Eagle

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