Star Trek testers wanted for a Star Trek Game of 20 Questions
From time to time, I've been asked to help with various projects and advertising
related to Star Trek. Below is one of those requests. Please pass it
along to people you know who might be interested.
Mattel, has asked us to spread the word for a unique opportunity for Star Trek fans to become a tester and contribute to a new game they plan to release next year. It is an AI twenty questions game.
Go see if you can stump it!
Directions: Please visit their website at http://www.20q.net/startrek
Dissemination: Please forward this email to anyone who you know who might
be interested.
Nouri Kemat

House of Kemat
Captain Kematsopoulos
Adventures of the USS Eagle, a Star Trek Sim
and others
The information is as follows:
Next year Mattel will release a handheld version of 20Q™ Star Trek.
Mattel is lookng for Star Trek fans to play the online version to help make the game "smarter".
They are also looking for people to spread the word and their banner and link below.
Check out these Klingon links!
Klingon House, tuq qimat (House of Kemat) Visit an honorable
and ancient Klingon House
Klingon Sim Group Forming Check out a new Klingon
RPG. Get in on the beginning!
Klingon Dictionary for Klingon RPG and Sim use
Arranged by topic for easy reference:
Battle Phrases - Updates in progress.
Billets, Ranks and Titles - Updates in progress.
Culture - In the planning phase.
Klingon Food - Updates in progress.
Medical- Updates in progress.
Klingon Lanugage: Klingon Alphabet and Numbers - New.
Klingon Lanugage: Klingon Alphabet and Klingon Letter Pronunciation Guide - New.
Klingon Numbers and Related Terms
Klingon Proverbs and Phrases - In progress.
Ship Terms - Includes an animated decloaking
Vorcha class ship. Updates in progress.
Swearing - In the planning phase.
Weaponry - Images. Names. Updates in progress.
Klingon Family words: COMING SOON!
Klingon Buddy
Icons - Under heavy construction. Please hit the back key to return to Tripod for this Klingon web page.
Klingon House, tuq qimat, House of Kemat - An ancient and honorable Klingon House
Check out these Federation links!
The USS Eagle Star Trek sim based on the Star Trek: the original series movie era
Star Trek Buddy Icons
Star Trek Sim Guide
Star Trek Rank Insignia
Star Trek Blueprints
Contact NouriKemat@aol.com for more details or to join