Klingon Dictionary for Klingon Sim and Klingon RPG Use



Klingon Dictionary for Klingon Sim / Klingon RPG Use




'agh - demonstrate, show, display (v)
'aj - admiral
'av- guard(v)
'avwI - guard (n)
'ay'- section (n)

"baH (specify weapon)" - "Fire (specify weapon)"
baHwI - gunner
bang pong - endearment(name)
baq - discontinue, terminate
batlhHa - dishonorably (adv)
begh - deflectors
bIr(be) - cold
bljeghbe'chugh vaj bIHegh - Surrender or die!
bobcho' - module
bogh - born,be born
bol - drool (v)
Brak'lul - term for characteristic redundancy in Klingon physiology
bu'- sergeant


cha - torpedoes
chagh - drop (v)
chach - emergency
cha'puj - dilithium
cha'pujqut - dilithium crystal
chap - back(of hand)
chargh - conquer
chech - drunk (v)
chetcI - torpedo tube
chIjwI - navigator
chIm - (be)empty
chongg, qu'- (be)excellent
choS - desert (v)
chor - belly
choyDaH - thrusters
chu' - Activate, Engage(device)
chuH - explain
chung - accelerate
chuq - distance, range

Daq - eavesdrop
De - data
de' - data, information
De'wI' - computer
Deb - desert (n)
Degh - helm
deghwI - helmsman
DesqIv - elbow
d'k tagh - warrior's knife
Dom - radan (crude dilithium crystal)
DoS - Target
Dotlh - Status
Duq - stab
Duj - ship, vessel
Dub - back (of body)
Duy, 'oSwI' - emissary
Dej - collapse
DuS - torpedo tube

'el - enter, go in
'elaS - Elas
'ejDo' - starship, starship class (n)


gharwI' - diplomat
ghatlh - dominate
ghIm - exile
ghIr - descend
ghItlh - entrap,trap
ghIgh - duty assignment (slang)
ghobe' - no
ghoh - program (a computer program)
ghoS - come
gho'Do - sublight speed
ghom - encounter, meet
ghomHa' - disperse
ghu - baby
ghuS - Ready to launch

Ha' - Let's go, Come on!
HablI' - data tranceiving device
HanDogh - nacelle
Haq - surgery,(perform)surgey (on)
Hay' - duel
H'DIbaH - dog, cur (slang)
Hegh - die (v)
Heghlu'meH QaQ jajvam - It is a good day to die.
Heghtay - death ritual
Heh - edge
Hergh - medicine
hIj - leak
HIja' or HISIaH - yes
Hljol - beam me aboard
HISIaH or HIja'- yes
Hod - Captain
Hom - bone
Hong - impulse power
Ho''oy' - toothache
HoS - energy,power
HoSDo' - energy beings
HoSchem - energy field
Hotlh - Scan
Hotlh - Put on screen
Hoy' - congratulate (verb)
Hub - defend
Hub - defense
Huy' - eyebrow

'IH - be beautiful, handsome
'Iv - altitude (n)
'It - (be) depressed
'Ij - listen
'Ip - oath
'Ij - listen
'Ip - oath
'Ip - vow, wear
'Iw - blood

jabbI'ID - data transmission
jach - cry,scream
jagh - enemy
jan - device
jIb - hair on head
jIH - viewing screen
jo' - machinery
joHwI - (my)- Lord
jol - beam(aboard) (v),transport beam (n)
jonpIn - engineering officer
jonta' - engine
jonwI' - engineer
joQ - rib
jor - explode
jorwI'- explosive
jun - evade, take evasive action



la'- commander
lab - transmit data (away from a place)
lagh - ensign
laQ - energize,fire
leQ - switch
ley'- (regional)nose
lIy - comet
lobHa'- disobey
lol - Hcha - altitude control thrusters
lom - corpse
lot - catastrophe
luch - gear equipment
lup - transport

matHa' - gunner
mang - soldier
mangahom - army -
mavje'(regional) - liver - chej
maw' - (be) crazy
meH' - bridge
bone marrow - melchoQ
mI' - exercise
mIgh- evil (v)
mIm - delay
mIn eye
mIS - be confused
mol - bury
mov - top of foot
mu'ghom - dictionary
muH execute
mUqta - machinery

nam - hunt
natlh - expend
ne'- yeoman
ngeD - (be)easy
negh- soldiers
ngaDmoH - stabilize
ngong - experiment (n)(v)
nIbpoHdeja vu (n)
nIn - fuel
nISwI'- disruptor (n)
nISwI'HIch - disruptor pistol
nISSwI'beHd - isruptor rifle
noch - sensor
nuqneH - What do you want? (greeting)

'oSwI', Duy - emissary
'o' - aft (n)
'oy'- ache, pain, sore (n);ache, hurt, be sore (v)

pa' - enclosed area
pa' - There, over there there abouts (n)
par - dislike
pat - system(n)
paw' - collide
pe' - cut (verb)
peng - torpedo
pey - acid
pI'- be fat
pItlh - Done! (exclamation)
pIvgher -warp drive
pIvlob - warp factor
pob - hair on body
poq - indigestion
porgh - body
pu'beq - phaser crew
pu'DaH - phaser banks
pujmoH - weaken

((Q and q are seperate sounds/letters in Klingon. They appear as below to help English speakers find the right word.))
Qah' - Sir, Madame
Qapla'- Success
QaS - troops
qat - encase
Qaw - destroy
qaw Haq - memory banks
QeD - Science
qeD - vacate
QeDpIn - Science officer
Qel - doctor
qeq - practice, train, prepare,drill- military (n)
qevpob - cheek,jowl
QIH - damage (n),damage (v),destruction
Qob - danger (n),dangerous (v)
Qom - earthquake
qu' - chongg- (be)excellent
Qu' - chronometer
QuD - manuver(engines)
QumwI' - Communicator device
QumpIn - communication officer (COMMO)
QumWI' - communicator, communication device
quS -chair ((See image of captain's chair ))
Qop - dead(food)
QI' - military
qIm - Pay attention, concentrate(v)
qIp - hit(with hand fist, implement)(v)
qIvon - body part
Qotlh - disable
quvHa'ghach - dishonor(n)
Qu' - duty (n)
QuQ - engine
quHvaj - dandruff

ra' - command (verb)
ragh - decay
raQ - camp
regh - bleed
rIH - energize
riHwI' - energizer
riQ (be) injured
rIvSo' - embassy
rop - (b) sick, ill
rop - disease
ror- (be) fat
rugh - antimatter
ruQ - control manually

Sa' - general ( rank)
Sab - decline, deteriorate
Sang - obliterate
Say' - clean
se' - frequency (radio)
SeHlaw - control panel
SID - patient
SIQ - endure
Sogh- lieutenant
Sop - eat
So'wI' - cloaking device
Som - hull (n)
Sop - eat
SoQ - close, shut
Sorgh - sabotage
Sotlaw' - distress call
Su'- Ready! Standby!
Sun - discipline (n)
Surchem - forcefield (n)
Suv - fight
SuvwI'- warrior
Su'wI - hide, cloak

ta - deed
taj - dagger
taQbang - exhaust (n)
tar - poison
tej - scientist
ten - embark
tep - cargo(n)
teS - ear(internal)
tera' - Earth
tera'ngnan - Earther, Human. Terran
Ti' - fix, repair
tIj - board, go aboard
tlheb - depart
tlhou - wheeze
tlhuch- exhaust (v)
tlhuD - emit
tlhuH - breath
tlhuH - breathe
tlhuHbe - exhilirated
tlhutlh - drink (v)
to' - tactics(n)
to'- tactics(n)
toHSo! - Well!
toj - deceive, trick(v)
tonDuj - freighter
totlh - commodore
tu - discover
tuH - manuever
tuD - save, rescue(v)
tungHa' - encourage

'u - officer
'uH - have a hangover, be hungover
'ul - electricity
'uQtlh - dinner
'utlh - officer
val - (be) clever, smart, intelligent
van - salute
vang- act, take action
v'ech- brigadier
vergh- dock (n),dock (v)
veS - war
vIj - thruster
vlta'pu'be - I didn't do it
vor - cure(v)
voQ - choke
voQSIp - nitrogen
vo' - propel
von - err(slang)
vul- (be) unconscious
vut - cook (v)
vutpa' - galley(n)

wagh - (be)expensive
wo' - empire
way' - deflect(a lunge or parry)
woS - chin
wegh - confine
wan' - base
wIy - tactical display

ya - tactical officer
yaH - duty station
yaj - victory, triumph
yeb - wrist
yIn - life
yInroH - lifesigns
yInSIp - oxygen
yIntagh - life support system
yo' - fleet of ships (n)
yoD - shield (n)
yot - invade(v)
yu' - question, interogate
yuD - dishonest
ypt - invasion(n)

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Klingon Dictionary for Klingon RPG and Sim use
Arranged by topic for easy reference:
Battle Phrases Updates in progress
Billets, Ranks and Titles-Updates in progress
Culture - In the planning phase
Klingon Family and Related words - Just begun!!!
Klingon Food Updates in progress
Medical-Updates in progress
Klingon Lanugage: Klingon Alphabet and Numbers - New.
Klingon Lanugage: Klingon Alphabet and Klingon Letter Pronunciation Guide - New.
Klingon Numbers and Related Terms
Ship Terms - Includes an animated decloaking Vorcha class ship.Updates in progress
Swearing- In the planning phase.
Weaponry-Images.Names.Updates in progress

Klingon Buddy Icons - Animated disruptor firing and more!

Klingon House, tuq qimat, House of Kemat - An ancient and honorable Klingon House

Check out this non Klingon link!

The USS Eagle Star Trek sim -An action/adventure sim based on Star Trek: the original series movie era, 2293

Contact NouriKemat@aol.com for more details.