![](01personnelfilemoreau.gif) LT LLEWELLYN MOREAU
Name: Llewellyn Moreau
Rank: Lieutenant
Branch: Starfleet
Age: 27
Birth Date:31 October 2356
Birthplace: Paris, France, European Union, Earth
Home of Record: Earth
Height: 5 ' 3 ''
Weight: 115 lbs
Hair: Blonde
Eyes: Blue
Hobbies: Crypotology
Languages: French, Spanish, Mandarin, Federation Standard, Klingon, Romulan, Sign
Starfleet Record:
2372-2376 Starfleet Academy, Cadet
2376-2377 Starfleet Communications Specialist, Ensign
2377-2378 USS Davenport, Communications Officer, Ensign
2378-2381 USS Pegasus, Assistant Communications Chief, LTjg
2381-2383 USS Exeter, Acting Communications Chief, Lieutenant
2383-2383 USS Victory, Chief of Communications, Lieutenant
2383-pres Pandora's Box, Chief of Communications, Lieutenant