Name: Nikolai Vetri Kamranov
Rank: Captain
Branch: Intelligence
Age: 52
Birth Date: ~2336
Birthplace: Klaeston IV
Home of Record: Earth
Height: 6 ' 4 ''
Weight: 175 lbs
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Blue
Next of Kin: Classified
Hobbies: Chess, Boxing, Rock Climbing, White Water Rafting, Billards, Saxophone, Piano, Whist, Ice Hockey, Sailing, Fishing, Hunting
Languages: Russian, Federation Standard, Vulcan, Andorian, Klingon, Bajoran, Ferrengi, Romulan, Packled, Orion, Cardassian
Specialties: Sabotage, Infiltration, Extraction, Planetside Survival (Arctic and Dessert), Planetary Tactics, Urban Warfare, Pyrotechnics, Cryptoanalysis, Energy Weapons, Melee Weapons, Medic (Recertified 2383), Small Machine Repair (Recertified 2383)
2339 Found during Civil War on Klaeston IV with other orphaned children
2340 Adopted by Sergei and Ivola Kamranov
2349 Adopted by Stavro and Despina Thelakis
2352-2354 L'Académie du Théâtre de Chartres, Earth
Service Record:
2354-2358 Starfleet Academy (Double Major: Engineering and Psychology), Earth
2358-2360 Assistant Engineer, USS Potemkin
2360-2361 Intelligence Operations School, Tellar
2361-2363 Starfleet Intelligence Liaison attached to Vulcan
2363-2364 Starfleet Support Division, Federation Embassy, Andoria
2364-2365 Intelligence Administration School, Mars
2365-2366 Flag Aide, Admiral Norah Satie, Earth
2366-2367 Assistant Engineer/Starfleet Intelligence Liaison, IKS Kragnar, Battle of Wolf 359
2367-2369 Medical LOA from injuries sustained at Battle of Wolf 359
2369-2379 Unspecified Duties, Command School, Promoted to Captain
2380-2384 Executive Assistant to Vice Admiral Boris Komarov, Directorate of Operations, Starfleet Intelligence, Earth
2384-pres Commanding Officer, Pandora's Box, Shadow Operations, Fifth Division, Unit Three
Vulcan Defense Medal
Federation Medal of Valor
Federation Conspicuous Gallantry Ribbon
Sword of Kahless
President's Medal
Borg Campaign Medal
Federation Defense Medal
Presidential Unit Citation
Meritorious Service Medal
Achievement Medal
Dagger of Sarden
Chardasref den Semess
Vershantes Demorrais
Letters of Commendation:
Admiral Pridbjørn
Admiral Hanson
Admiral Sorentz
Admiral T'Vaht
Admiral Komarov