Star Trek RPG

The USS Eagle, NCC 2185

RPG Mission Statement: FUN!

The purpose of our Star Trek Sim RPG is to have fun! We do so in many ways including satire of all science fiction and of course our favorite-Star Trek: The Original Series. We write science fiction stories as well as illustrate some of the characters for our Star Trek role playing game. We blend Star Trek "campiness", humor and serious canonical simming into one fun package. Through it we have made friends to last a life time. We have also learned about real science and have explored cultural dilemmas in our live weekly Star Trek sim.

Our Star Trek RPG meets in an AOL /AIM chatroom where we have our "live sim" and play our missions. We meet Thursdays at 9:00 PM Eastern. If you are interested in more information or in joining, please click on the communicator below.

Please explore the rest of our Star Trek RPG web page or ask us a question via the links below:

Visit our Star Trek RPG Group main page
Read our Current Mission and Mission Summaries!

Hail the Captain of the USS Eagle, Send an email to ask about the Star Trek Sim

Click here to contact us
To join our Star Trek Original Seres RPG (TOS)!

Other RPGs in our RPG Group:



Pandora's Box, SI: Intel PBEM Group
Starfleet Intelligence's latest and greatest experimental spy ship in this Star Trek PBEM."Pandora's Box... Some things are best left unopened."

KLIN, Klingon Long-range Imperial Navy
Hybrid live and PBEM sim that takes on the Dominion behind enemy lines during the Dominion War."Today IS a good day to die! Apply now!"

GNEC, Gagh No Extra Charge: Klingon PBEM Group
Time traveling TOS Klingons get trapped in 1960s Earth in this comedy RPG working at a restaurant. "Don't forget to tip!"

Adventures of a TOS Tramp Freighter, PBEM
Star Trek PBEM that travels around the galaxy looking for their next gig. "No job that pays big is too small."

Star Trek Sanctuary PBEM Group
Star Trek PBEM where spies, witnesses and villains get a new start a new life."Sanctuary: Paradise or Prison?"

If anyone is interested in starting up an online FASA RPG or Last Unicorn RPG please contact me! I would like to for a group for this too!!

USS Eagle Information:

Oberth Class Starship Specifications