Star Trek Sim/ Star Trek RPG
USS Eagle, NCC 2185
Biography, Blueprints, Star Trek Fan Fiction, Duty Logs, Narrative Logs, Personal Logs, Guest Alien Logs, Rank Insignia, Full Sized Star Trek Sim Character in Uniform and MORE!
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Starfleet Personnel File
Captain's Logs
Narrative Logs
Duty Logs
Personal Logs
Guest Logs-Logs in which Captain K's simmer plays a Guest Alien or another character
The Lady Alara (Diplomat from Galadon XII)
The Lady Alara
L'Asaha (High Priestess of the Sandokhans)
More Questions Than Answers: The Call to Mourn, Parts Six through Eight
More Questions Than Answers: The Call to Mourn, Parts nine through Thirteen
Judy, a Bantos IV child caught up in the Race for Space series
The Race for Space: Trapped, Part One through Three
The Race for Space: Trapped, Part Four
Chalandra,a mother of four abandoned on Liarra Mishtosh with her children
The Forgotten
Red Alert, Part One (Chalandra with ASEC-Myth)
Red Alert, Part Two (Chalandara with ASEC-Myth)
Red Alert, Part Three (Chalandra with ASEC-Myth)
CDR Valentina Tsiolkovsky, CENG
Visit her page for a list of logs
CDR Yevgeny Tsiolkovsky, XO of the USS Brazil
CDR Tsiolkovsky meet CDR Tsiolkovsky...
On the USS Brazil
Ensign Who?
Ensign Petrescu
Visit her page for a list of logs
Ensign Hanson
Visit his page for a list of logs
Yeoman Tsundra
Visit her page for a list of logs
ADM Flayton, Commanding Officer, Starfleet Region Six
The Eye of Evil, Part Eight
Joint Logs
The Lady in Blue, Part Ten through Sixteen (CO with Guest Alien-Unstoffe)
A Matter of Time, Part Five (CO with CSEC-Unstoffe)
Joint logs as Ensign Hanson with Myth as LT Leah Richards, ASEC
Joint logs as Yeoman Tsundra
Joint logs as Chief Engineer, CDR Valentina Tsiolkovsky
Joint Logs as CDR Yevgeny Tsiolkovsky- Please see above
Diagnosis and Prognosis (CO with CMO-Hana)
Off Duty Page for Captain K-IN PROGRESS.
Captain Rank insignia pin
Captain Rank insignia and rating as worn on left sleeve for the Original Series movies
Full sized image of Captain K in his Star Trek Original Series Movies Uniform ("Monster Maroon" Uniform)
Blueprints of the Captain's Quarters
Captain K's Past and Future - Stay tuned!In Progress!
Captain K's Family recipes:
Chinese Dumplings
Greek Country Salad (Horiatiki)
Greek Egg Lemon Soup (Soupa Avgolemono)
Greek Egg Lemon Lamb Soup (Arnaki Soupa Avgolemono)
Greek Shrimp in Wine Sauce (Garithes me Saltsa)
Greek Christmas Spice Cookies (Melomakarona)
Greek Meringue Cookies (Bezethes)
Greek Butter Cookies (Kourabiethes)
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