Star Trek Sim / Star Trek RPG
USS Eagle, NCC
STARFLEET PERSONNEL FILE -- Captain Nouristao Kematsopoulos
Rank: Captain (CPT)
Current Assignment: Commanding Officer, USS Eagle NCC 2185
Full Name: Nouristao Kematsopoulos
Nicknames: Captain K, Nouri
Homeworld: Earth
Date of Birth: 2267
Place of Birth: Crete, Earth
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Black
Height: 6 feet 2 inches
Weight: 215 lb.
Health: Excellent
Race: Human
Sex: Male
Marital Status: Widower
Wife: T'nar Johnson, Deceased
Parents: Dr. Woo Luin'dro and Dr. Demetrious Kematsopoulos, missing
Next of Kin: Maternal grandmother, Dr. Woo,Chief Surgeon, Wu Pei Hospital and Medical Research Center, Wu Pei, China
Education: Wu Pei Technological and Science Academy, Class of 2285; Starfleet Academy, Class of 2289; Starfleet Graduate School
Languages: Greek, Minoan, Mandarin, Cantonese, Arabic, Farsi, Spanish, English, Dard, Federation Standard, Vulcan, Klingon, Romulan, Trill and Deltan
Service Awards: Starfleet Command Decoration for Valor, Starfleet Command Decoration for Gallantry, Medal of Honor, UFP Charge d'affaires,Order of Sevak,UPUC
Starfleet Career Summary:
2285-2289 -- Attended Starfleet Academy, majoring in Engineering and Mathematics and minoring in Helm/Navigation and graduating with honors
Starfleet Excellence in Engineering Competition Awards:
2287-- Honorable Mention
2288 -- Second Place
2289 -- First Place
Academy Papers published in Daystrom Technological Institute Journal:
"Alternate Calibration Methods for Flux Spectrometers to Compensate for Harontdian Subspace Distortions"
"Enhanced Diagnostic Techniques in Graviton Polarimeters"
"Topological Analysis of N Dimensional Gravitic Fields in Ten Dimensional Space"
2290 -- Assigned to USS Enterprise, NCC-1701A for sensor package upgrade
2291 -- Promoted to LTjg. Assigned to USS Algonquin, NX 61932 as Assistant Engineering Officer.
-- Reported
killed-in-action, when a previously
unknown spatial anomaly destroyed the transport shuttle
he was taking to
his new duty station.
Posthumously awarded medals for courage and
self-sacrifice for actions taken to save several
members of the shuttle crew.
Awards were presented to his maternal grandmother, Dr. Woo
-- Resumed
active service following his rescue
by a newly discovered species, the Wahnharae. The
Wahnharae discovered him, seriously injured in a healing trance in part of the wreckage of the transport shuttle.
-- Initiated
first contact protocols during his
recovery with Wahnharae. Although only a year had elapsed in Federation time, it is
believed that Kematsopoulos spent ten years in Wahnharae space. It is believed that time progresses at a different speed there
than in the other parts of the galaxy as we know it.
2292 -- Returned to Federation Space. Assigned to light duties with the Starfleet Intelligence Temporal Anomalies Division while still recovering from extensive injuries. Authored several papers on temporal mechanics, subspace distortions and spatial anomalies.
2293 -- Medically cleared to full duty status. Assigned to USS Eagle, NCC 2185, as Assistant Engineering Officer, Starfleet Intelligence Liaison Officer, and Temporal Anomalies Specialist.
-- Promoted
meritoriously to LCDR and
reassigned as Chief Engineer for his prompt, brave and
capable handling of a
warp core emergency caused by a spatial anomaly.
-- Promoted
to Commander and reassigned as
Executive Officer after saving the ship, and the
reassignment of the former
Executive Officer to other lesser duties.
(Exact nature of the events is classified.)
-- Promoted to Captain.
-- Awarded the UFP-PUC, United Federation of Planets' Presidential Unit Citation, along with his crew
for their efforts in preventing intergalactic war, saving the Empress of All Galadon's life and driving back a
new hostile alien race back into their part of space
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