USS Eagle, NCC 2185

A Star Trek Sim / Star Trek RPG

red, white and blue dividing bar used for our Star Trek Sim

Our Star Trek Sim's Awards and Honors Page-IN PROGRESS!

red, white and blue dividing bar used for our Star Trek Sim

IC: In character

The USS Eagle receives a Presidential Citation, the UPUC from the UFP President in one of our Star Trek sim stories.

OOC: Out of Character

Paramount Advertising Company contacted us to run a trailer for Paramount to promote the movie, Nemesis

Casting Company contacted us to help find Klingons for a commercial on Comedy Central

Mattel contacted us to help find testers for a new Star Trek game, AI, of twenty questions

AQSG,Alpga Quadrant Sim Group, awards us their very first "Sim of the Month" Award

Section 47 awards us their "Star Trek Site of Excellence : Commander" Award

red, white and blue dividing bar used for our Star Trek Sim

Hail the Captain of the USS Eagle

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