Star Trek Sim/Star Trek RPG
The USS Eagle, NCC 2185
Crew's Logs: Leah Richards
LTjg Richards
Personal Log 200602.26
It was a very ugly thing to wake up to, really. The frame was one of those
popsicle things kids in camp had made since the dawn of time. Globs of dried
glue decorated the splintering wood and a few stubborn specks of glitter
remained. The really ugly bit was the picture glued to the popsicle sticks.
Her parents. To be fair, they were still young and thin. They even looked
happy. But when Leah's eyes fell on it all she saw was the angry shadows
peeked at under her bed room door. The walls magnified and echoed the yelling.
She didn't remember what they yelled about, just the way it reverberated
through the house like distant thunder. She'd spent a lot of time under the bed
with the music turned up loud, just to balance the voices.
Leah knocked the picture over in the process of batting the off button on the
alarm clock. That wasn't a particularly pleasant thing to wake up to either.
Usually she watched the numbers flip from 06:25 to 06:29 before turning it
off, and sparing herself the alarm. But after the away mission to the Red
Dwarf she'd stayed up late dealing with a certain stowaway, so she'd over
slept by 5 minutes. Speaking of that stowaway... "Bob? Where'd ja get to?"
'Bob'. She smiled. There had been a semi-feral tabby cat living off the
school dumpster when she was in grade school. Most of the kids had chased it
at recess. But one day the dumb thing had run and hide behind her instead of
under the nearest bush. One of the boys had been bold enough to go after it
anyways... he'd gone home early with a bloody nose and busted glasses. After
that Bob was her best friend, and no one bugged him. Of course she hadn't
named him right away. For almost a year he was just 'cat'. But then one day
her Dad's friend had come for dinner. It was one of the few really happy
dinners they'd had. A barbeque. Mom had been pleasant. Dad and Bob had talked
sports, played catch. So the 'cat' became 'Bob'. Until Bob had kittens.
But this robot one was likely to be a pest. "Prob'ly a mistake bringing you
here. And you're little girlfriend." At least robots could (presumably) take
care of themselves. Though she'd have to find a way to lock the door. Leah
straightened the blankets and smoothed to top cover carefully. Beds were easy
to keep neat, laundry was another matter. Finding a fresh uniform was always
interesting. Somehow, the clean stuff never got to be hung and the dirty stuff
tended to look a lot like the clean un-hung stuff (she'd never quite gotten the
process of folding down). Leah arbitrarily grabbed one off the top of the pile
and headed for the shower.
She washed, dressed, and tied her hair back in a quick pony tail. Then she
grabbed one last, but crucial thing. A silver chain with a minuscule horse
pendant. A birthday present. The last one before Dad had left. She tucked it
into her uniform jacket and hurried out.
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