Dr. Isa's Lentils and Rice - Majadrah
This page is in progress
In the Star
Trek sim , the USS Eagle, we play a variety of characters from different
cultures and different worlds. A sim is an online role playing game. Ours
is played in a chatroom. We type in text and play characters in a story.
This is a page for Dr. Kamran Shah Isa's family and culture. He is half Syrian and half Afghani. If you would like information on our Star Trek RPG just email me or check out the rest of this web page with the
links below. The recipe comes from his mother's side of his family. This is the beginning of a new section on Arabic food and Arabic recipes.
"Feel at home no matter how many light years away from it you are!!"
Lentils and Rice - Majadrah
from the Khalifa Family Recipe Disk
1 cup lentils
3 .5 cups water
1 cup rice
Oil or butter for frying
Onions* (At least one large one)
Salt *
*To taste
1.Soak lentils over night.
1. Wash lentils vigoruosly under running cold water.
2. Boil lentils with 3.5 cups water until tender for about 10 minutes in covered saucepan.
3. Drain water and rinse a few times gently under cold water.
4. Set aside.
5. Wash rice and cook.
6. Set aside.
7. Cut onion in thin wedges and sauté in oil or butter until golden brown.
8. Set aside.
9. Combine lentils rice and most of the onions in baking container.
10. Add spices to taste.
11. Mix throughly.
12. Top with sautéd onions and oil.
13. Bake at 325 degrees Fahrenheit for 15-20 minutes.
Please email me if you try it and let me know how it went. Shucran!/Thank you!
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