The Unstoffe Family's Recipes- Trout and Sour Cream - Orret i flote
This Norwegian recipe page is in progress!
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Norwegian Trout and Sour Cream - Orret i flote
from the Unstoffe Family
4 trout
4 tablespoons butter
0.50 pint sour cream
minced parsley
1. Salte the trout.
2. Dredge in flour.
1. Saute in butter over high heat until brown.
2. Lower heat and add sour cream.
3. Simmer five to seven minutes.
4. Serve with a sprinkling of minced parsley.
It's great with buttered boiled potatoes and cooked carrots!
Please email me if you try it and let me know how it went. Tusen takk!/ Thank you
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Our Star Trek Sim's Recipes:
Norwegian Recipes: Beet Salad (Rodbet Salat)
Norwegian Recipes: Fish Soup (Fiskesuppe)
Norwegian Recipes: Fish Balls (Fiskeboller)
Norwegian Recipes: Trout and Sour Cream (Orret i Flote)
Norwegian Recipes: Reindeer (Rensdyrstek)
Norwegian Recipes: Fruit Pudding (Fruktgrot)
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