Star Trek Sim /Star Trek RPG
USS Eagle, NCC 2185
Personal Log 2001.09.24
Cadet Unstoffe activates the button at the computer on his desk and speaks:
"Looks like I'll get my first big opportunity since reporting aboard. I've
been assigned to the Security and Tactical station on the bridge. This is
the reason I asked for such a small ship as my initial assignment. If I were
on something like an Excelsior class, I'd be lost in the crowd as a cadet
and probably not even see the Captain for months. Now I'll be working on
the bridge with one of the youngest and fastest rising COs in the Fleet.
We are answering a distress call from a stricken civilian liner. The ship
is reported to be in desperate shape and its attacker is unknown. While we
are transporting the Tureth ambassador back to his home world, we must take
this necessary detour. I have studied the class diagrams for the star liner
to familiarize myself with its layout, but the trouble with civilian ships
is that they tend to vary so much from class norms. That is especially true
of large cruise ships. The owners always want to make them "distinctive"
and "unique". I'll have to keep that in mind as I study my scans.
Well, time to go on watch. Computer, end log."
Cadet Unstoffe stands and walks confidently from his stateroom.
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![Hail the Captain of the USS Eagle](images/Anim_TOScom.gif)
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