4. The title of our site is " The Adventures of the USS Eagle, a Star Trek Sim"
5. You may use these descriptions, if you like:
The USS Eagle is a Star Trek action/adventure sim based on the original series movie era set in 2293 before Praxis explodes. This Star Trek RPG is played in an AOL/AIM chatroom.
The USS Eagle is a Star Trek action/adventure sim based on the original series movie era set in 2293 before Praxis explodes. There are new chances for peace, new enemies to fight and old enemies to foil. Those with RL and ST technical experience are most welcome. So come, play, and keep those phasers ready. And if you are really brave, put up your feet in the wardroom to discuss superstring theory with the CO over ouzo and calamari.
6. If you have different image or text requirements, just email me the details and I will adapt our images or descriptions accordingly and send them to you.
If you wish to submit a banner or report an "improper" banner, please contact NouriKemat@aol.com Every image and phrase on this page must be rated "G". Thank you.