Star Trek Sim/ Star Trek RPG
USS Eagle, NCC 2185
LTjg Richards,ASEC, & Ensign Hanson, AENG
Joint Logs by Myth and Nouri
Title: What's Behind Door Number Two?, Part One
Location: The USS Eagle
Setting: Passageway
LT Leah Richards figured she had just gotten off the bridge in
time. A split second longer and LCDR Unstoffe would have had a fit all because
of a certain idiot robot! She tried to ignore Bob and his tag along progeny
as she crept closer to the Captain’s quarters.
When she reached the now open doors to the Captain's stateroom, Leah paused. No one came out, so she
edged closer, hand on her PHASER. She peered into the room cautiously.
She saw that the front room and part of the kitchen appeared to be normal.
Well, normal that is since Hanson and others heaped all those odd gifts and
equipment in the Captain's quarters. Some of the bots and gadgets stirred
and moved. An arnwahk, an ancient and deadly Vulcan guard bot, paced about
confused as it did previously before attacking one of the midshipman in the
((Arnwahk links
Image and Info:
Logs from the wormhole:
Logs after the wormhole:
Arnwahks, the Movie - joking ))
The arnwahk was a chilling sight. Leah had to remind herself that the thing
was harmless – it had been disarmed already. Besides which, she was the one
who'd given the Captain the silly thing! Ignoring it she moved in a bit more.
Now that she was further in, Leah could clearly see the CMO lying on the
floor. She hurriedly knelt at her side to see if she was alive, at the same
time trying to keep an eye out for whoever or whatever had done this. Fortunately
she WAS alive.
Leah decided that despite the intriguing mystery of just what exactly was
going on here, the CMO’s condition took precedence. She opened her communicator
and paged Sickbay. +Richards to Sickbay+. There was no response.
Bob, who was following at a careful distance because the Organic Beings were
so unpredictable and often violent, peered in and saw two OBs. One was the
one he lived with and the other was on the deck in an unusual orientation.
Bob went in. As he did so, one of his sensors picked up a strange odor he
did not have in his limited database. He ignored the erroneous data and bumped
deliberately into Leah as he decided it might be safe now for her to notice
him. He desperately needed some answers and some reassurance. Then his audio
receptors picked up an odd noise that was also not in his data base. It was
coming from the same location of the origin of the smell. He ignored that
data too for now and filed it away. He would investigate that part of the
room later. It had interesting machines that were not in his quarters and
were smaller versions of machines he had seen in the room the Organics called
"The Galley". He had learned over the millennia that the Organics used things
like this to make their fuel.
At the sound of the ping, Leah automatically pulled her PHASER and turned
toward its point of origin in the kitchen. When Bob bounced against her it
was a surprise. She glared at him trying to convey with a look exactly how
much of a pain he was being.
Bob decided the proper response to her glare was to rub on her leg like a
cat which he did. (A cat with many fleas, of course.) He had gotten into
the Eagle's databanks again and had been researching the planet where a lot
of Organic Beings from this ship were from including, his favorite OB, Leah
Richards. Females of this planet, he learned, often liked Small Mammalian
Beings called "Cats". He was careful to note several things, including that
he was about the size of these SMBs. Therefore he sought to imitate them
to make his OB feel more comfortable and to attempt to establish stronger
bonding between Leah and himself. It also was a way to say "I like you. Pay
attention to me. Meet my needs."
Bob also learned that the planet that had "Cats" was called "Dirt". He had
no idea why these Organics would chose the name "Dirt" for their homeworld.
In most places he had gone, "dirt" was a slur. Then again Organics just did
not make sense. To him they all seemed to have faulty logic circuits and
subroutines. As he thought on this, he rubbed more vigorously on his Organic.
Apparently the glare didn't work as well as she'd hoped. Leah ignored him
for the moment, listening for whatever had made the ping.
Bob was curious about the Organic on the deck. Usually Organics went off
line in things they called racks or beds. When his Organic Being went into
the Room of Odd Smell and Sound, he checked the one on the floor and nuzzled
her. She did not move. He tried again. She did not move again. This disturbed
him greatly. ~~This Organic was clearly broken,~~ he thought. He zipped out
of the room and down the passageway to find the repairman who was working
on his wife.
~Phew!~ Leah tried her communicator again, relieved both at Bob’s momentary
departure and that the noise had only been the stove. +Richards to sickbay+.
In a short time, the hurried foot steps of someone wearing boots clattered
in the passageway. The sound grew louder and louder until the stopped right
outside the Captain's quarters.
The room was spooky enough to make paranoia permissible, Leah felt. She thus
slipped towards the door as silently as possible, keeping out of sight of
the approaching footsteps.
The boots belonged to an Organic that Bob knew could fix Beings, he was an
assisstant engineer named Ensign Hanson. The Ensign had clearly suffered
some sort of accident or fight. His gait was wobbly and he had more bruises
and looked more banged up than when Leah had last broken his nose. One pant
leg was sticking lopsidedly out of the boot from where Bob had tugged on
it. Hanson's tunic and jacket appeared to be hastily put on as well and his
hair had not been combed recently. Part of it was caked with clumped blood.
Bob paused and made his charade sign for "fix", hoping the Organic Who Repairs
Beings would understand. Then the wayward bot went quickly towards the CMO.
The disheveled ensign didn't seem like much of a threat at all. Confused,
Leah stepped into view. "What happened to you?" she blurted.
Ensign Hanson saw the doorway darken and then his nemesis LT Leah Richards
popped into view. "You??!! " he said disbelief. Then he became angry and
turned to yell at the bot, "Bob!!"
As annoying as the little robot could be she still leapt to his defense.
"Don’t yell at him!"
Hanson snorted derisively. "Yeah, you are the only one who can?" he taunted.
She forced herself to ignore the urge to finish Hanson off with a punch or
two. "What. Happened. To. You?" She kept her tone even and relatively calm.
The ever enigmatic Hanson replied, "Not sure. I woke up this way." It disturbed
him greatly not to know exactly what happened but he was going to let that
awful ASEC know that.
"That doesn't make sense." Anybody THAT beat up couldn't possibly sleep through
the process. But this was a waste of time. Leah stepped back into the room
to try one of its comms.
Bob for his part exerted his influence again on Hanson by grabbing his pant
leg and pulling him in towards the Captain's Quarters..
"All right all right, what do you want me to fix?" he asked. Hanson entered
the quarters in spite of the fact that annoying security officer was there.
He was not long in before he figured out why Bob wanted him. He saw the four
foot Moeban Chief Medical Officer lying inert on the deck, her purple hair
in a tangle about her.
Bob released Hanson's pant leg and makes his sign for "fix" by the CMO and
repeated it manically.
"Yes, yes. I understand," Hanson said to the bot. His voice had softened
so considerable with that it was hard to imagine that he and Leah had instantly
locked their horns into another fight.
Leah found the comm by the door and tried paging Sickbay for a third time.
+Richards to Sickbay+! Again there was no reply.
Hanson knelt down besides the fallen doctor. Hanson ignored everything else
but tending to the patient. " What happened? Where's her med kit?" he yelled,
as he gently and gingerly moved the CMO to look for it. This wasn't the usual
shout or yell he exchanged frequently with LT Richards but one tinged with
authority and immediacy. Somehow Ensign Hanson didn't seem so much like ...
Ensign Hanson but transformed. Perhaps into an image of his earlier or another
self before certain events had happened to him...
"I don't know. I only just got here!" Leah snapped.
"Find it quick!" he ordered.
+She ground her teeth in annoyance, but started searching for the kit anyways.
If Hanson even just knew what the equipment in it was called he'd been beyond
her and something had to be done for the CMO.
She spotted the tricorder and other gadgets under some of the Captains many
gifts and grabbed it.
Hanson checked Dr. Laleia-Lii's pulse, deep in thought trying to remember
what it is supposed to be for Moebans. It had been awhile since...
"Here." She held the tricorder and other stuff out to Hanson.
"You found it?" he asked not looking up as the items hit his arm. He reached
out for them without looking.
~Obviously.~ "Under your ‘bot," Leah answered.
"Good," Hanson replied setting them down next to him on the deck and sorted
through the pile. He flipped the access panel to open the medical tricorder
and changed setting for Moebans. Then he scanned her.
"Some sort of psychic shock..Hmm," he said. He took out some more of her
gear and made a solution for the hypospray.
Leah watched Hanson work carefully. He more than knew what he was doing-he
almost looked like one of the AMO’s himself.
Hanson administered the carefully prepared solution of isochorazine and benzyldictadine
to his patient. ((Rule 35 on the Eagle, never let the CO name anything...))
"You better be watching out for us, if whatever did that to her is still
around.." he warned.
~Whoops! ~ She’d almost let herself get too engrossed in watching him. "Yes."
Leah stepped past him to look in the kitchen to make sure the noise from
before had only been the oven. She wondered why anyone would go through the
fuss of baking when a perfectly good food processor was available.
"Good thing the CO's in Sickbay," he said, glad that the man that had helped
him was not around when whatever it was that caused the CMO to be telepathically
overloaded and go into shock appeared.
Leah knew that the CO was not in fact in Sickbay, but she didn't see why
Hanson needed to be enlightened now. "She OK?"
"Not sure how long until this stabilizes her. How is Captain doing?" he asked
wanting to find out. He had been too busy to visit the last two days.
Hanson turned to Bob to apologize. "You did good, Bob. I am sorry," He patted
the bot on his claw like head. "OK we need to get her to Sickbay and fix
the comms. I guess I'll see the..." he started to say.
Leah scowled. Of course he would be persistent. "He was sent back to his
quarters. Wasn't doing that well, I heard."
Hanson's face grew pale. He looked in disbelief at the small partition separating
the Captain's bedroom from the rest of the quarters.
"Here? Then.." he started to say in a mixture of shock and abject horror,
his eyes transfixed on the partition.
![Hail the Captain of the USS Eagle](images/Anim_TOScom.gif)
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