Star Trek Sim/ Star Trek RPG
USS Eagle, NCC 2185
LTjg Richards,ASEC, & Ensign Hanson, AENG
Joint Logs by Myth and Nouri based on a mini sim
Title: Leah's Luck, Part One
Setting: USS Eagle
Time: Immediately after " PizzaPIED PIPER, Part Two
Location: LTjg Richards' Quarters
Leah chose to wait for the sounds outside her quarters to pass by before
she headed off to finish her actual assignment - the search through Aren's
quarters. Now that she had a moment to think through things it occurred to
her that ~Maybe I shoulda handled that differently...~
The sounds hadn't moved on, in fact they had been joined by the sound of
Hanson's voice. Another bad sign. ~Now what do I do?~
BRRZZST! The buzzer rang to Leah's quarters. A deep voice boomed over the
intercom, +Medical... We are here to search your quarters for parasites.+
In the background, muffled laughing was heard ... and it sounded a lot like
Leah gulped. The day was turning into a nightmare. She straightened her uniform
and hissed at the bots, "Hide!"
Bob, the wayward mini robot, hid quickly. His remaining progeny did not.
Great. Obedience was not genetic. Or programmable or whatever. She resorted
to begging. "Shoo! Please?! Bob- get 'em outta here!"
The botlettes loitered, confused by Leah's words. Bob showed his confusion
by running in and out and repeating it in a manic manner. Then he figured
out that "outta here" meant only one thing- through the door. Therefore,
the patinad Papa made a high pitched noise and moved towards the door. The
botlettes followed...
"No! no, no, no - Under the bed!" Leah pointed to the proper piece of furniture
frantically. Since when did Bob have this much trouble following simple directions?
Usually he hid on his own for Pete's sake!
Nightmare? No - out right disaster. "Bob. Get your kids under the bed." Leah
was getting desperate. Those guys were not going to wait in the corridor
Bob made another high pitched noise and the baby bots did an "about face,"
looking suspiciously like the maneuvers learned from Hanson. Bob and the
baby bot battalion marched towards the bed
"Anyone there? We are coming in," the deep voice said a bit exasperated over
the intercom.
~Phew!~ Leah took a deep breath and turned her attention back to the door
and the problem behind it. "Sorry - yeah, come in." Hopefully this would
be quick at least.
::Plays paranoid conspiracy music:: The medical team entered. They are donned
with protective suits, masks and plenty of gadgetry borrowed from every bad
conspiracy movie and show our producers could get their hands on for the
right - cheap - price.
Feigning nonchalence Leah asked, "What's going on?"
"We have reports of parasites onboard and are decontaminating the ship and
trying to locate the source..." the first AMO said. He was the man who belonged
to the deep voice from the intercom. Whoever was in the suit didn't sound
like the type to have a sense of humor.
~Uh oh ... they can't mean the robots?!~ Somehow she managed to stay fairly
calm. "Uh huh... how long's this gonna take, cause I gotta get goin'" Maybe
they'd leave more quickly if they knew she was in a rush.
"No problem. We'll just scan and test you and you can go," he said.
"I'll start on the quarters," the second AMO said to the first.
Well, at least it didn't sound like the robots were the parasites they meant.
Although they certainly were acting like parasites of the worst sort! ~That
doesn't sound too bad...~ Great. Of course, if it were much more than a superficial
scan of the room there might be a problem. At least the clothes provided
cover for the bots.
"Sure, go right ahead," he replied to the other AMO.
The second AMO began scanning and looking for traces of parasites while the
first spoke with Leah and scanned her.
"What parts of the ship have you been around lately?" he asked.
Leah stayed near the bed, keeping between them and the 'bot's hiding place.
"The bridge, mostly." She answered the first medical officer, all the while
keeping her eyes on the second one.
"Oh boy! Did you hear that! She was on the bridge!!" he said. "How long ago?"
he asked to follow up.
"Good Golly!! Ah just think I found me a match," exclaimed the second AMO
at nearly the same time. He made a motion that implied he was taking samples,
but it was so small to see one couldn't be sure unless you were right with
~Oh boy... my luck is just awful today. Dangit!~ Leah wasn't too surprised
at this point. Somedays, nothing went well and this was just one of those
days it seemed. "I just came back from there - why?"
"We found evidence of parasites on the bridge. We think something snuck through
decontamination back in the wormhole and we are checking everything to see
where the parasites came from and where..." he began to explain.
"Oh, yes! It's a match!!" the second exclaimed again.
"Don't be alarmed," the first AMO said unconvincingly to Leah.
"Alarmed?" Leah laughed. ~After my week? Yeah right!~ She tried not to think
about Unstoffe's accusations from before. After all, Bob and his wife hadn't
gone through decontamination at all.
"They haven't killed anyone - yet," he replied trying not to think about
Selar in Sickbay. She might not make it.
She forced herself to stop laughing. "That's good." ~Then again, maybe they'll
start with Hanson and save me some trouble.~ It wasn't a kind thought, but
it was practical.
"Uh, yes. You look healthy. If you have any of the bugs, uh, parasites we
should be able to treat you just fine," he explained as the tricorder beeped
wildly as it passed over Leah's right boot.
"I feel fine." She said it a bit defensively. The stupid tricorder went off
and she fell silent in surprise.
"That's what Sel . . . uh, sure you do," he tried unsuccessfully to be reassuring
Leah scowled. "Are you almost finished yet?" She really didn't have tome
to be messing around with this nonsense.
"Please take your boots off," the first AMO asked as the second moved closer
to her bed.
She grumbled but kicked her boots off. Fortunately, the socks were the non-
embarrassing intact sort without holes. She moved a little closer to the
bed herself.
The person scanning the room started at the top of her bed and discovered
something large, poorly hidden under the sheets. "Hey what's this?" he asked.
"I've... been busy. Sheesh- it's just dirty clothes, OK?" Like she was the
only one with a slight laundry build up!
The man scanned the laundry mound. His scanner beeps wildly. "Wow! I got
one!" he exclaimed. It wasn't just a trace of a parasite, but the real squishy
squirming thing.
The first AMO had moved on to scan under her bed. His tricorder also beeped
Leah's hopes fell. No way this was going to end quickly now. ~Oh no.~ "Just
more clothes under there." She said a little too quickly. Actually, she wasn't
sure what (other than the robots) had accumulated under the bed.
"They burrow into your flesh and may have left traces on your clothing,"
he tried to explain.
"I'll pull it all out then." Leah knelt and started pulling stuff out by
handfuls. The suits they were wearing were a bit cumbersome-surely they'd
let her 'help out' and thus give her an opportunity to keep the robots form
being discovered. With any luck he'd find whatever the problem was int eh
first few handfuls and the bot's could stay out of sight.
Leah spotted a tiny bot clinging to part of the junk out of the corner of
her eye. ~Eep!~ She shoved that bit back out of sight hastily but the baby
bot hung on tight.
"HUH? Why did you do that?" the first man asked. That was very odd indeed.
"It's um ... undies?" Leah suggested trying to think of a plausible excuse
off the top of her head, hopefully that one would keep him from prying too
much. She knocked the stuff on the underside of the bed to scrape the bottlette
"Oh that is it. I thought you were hiding something ((or several dozens of
somethings )) I'll get a female AMO to check. Would that make you feel better?"
he asked as he documented and scraped off the probable secretions from her
Leah didn't have to fake relief. "Please, if it's not too much trouble. She
figured she could hide the robots a bit better while they went to grab another
AMO. She laughed. "Guess I should do the laundry more often, huh?"
"Please bring another pair of boots. I need to keep these as," he
corrected himself quickly. He grimaced looking at the clothes that had come
out of hiding and was grateful was wearing a mask. "Uh, yes," he replied.
Leah heard his slip up but she ignored it for the moment. "Yeah." ~Now...
where ARE my other boots?~ She glanced around trying to figure where they'd
gotten off to in the midst of all the rearranging of stuff.
Bob heard everything and wanted to go help her find the boots but wasn't
sure how to do that without being seen.
The first AMO stared long and hard at Leah, wondering why she taking so long
to find boots.
~Ah ha!~ Leah spotted a shiny black toe peeking out from under some pants.
"There's one!" She snagged it, and its buried partner.
He began to scan the boots. "Those look clean, uh, I mean no traces of the
bugs there," he announced.
Clean and safe perhaps ... but not unoccupied. One of Bob's many progeny
was cowered in the bottom of the second boot. ~Shoot. Now what?~ Leah set
the boots near the bed and pulled on the empty one. She 'accidentally' knocked
the other one over, so that the bot landed under the bed. Hopefully the bot
would be wise enough to take the chance to sneak back to its father.
"You can go now. You have not been infected, but the bugs have been in your
room," he said avoiding saying that they found two parasites in her quarters
and that it was the only place, other than in people, they were found. He
was pretty certain her room was linked to the source - as the source.
"...So what happens next?" Leah stalled. She didn't want to leave them in
here with the bots alone.
As she was thinking this, the bot tumbled out of the boot dizzily providing
more than enough material for PIXAR to make another animated short cartoon.
"You can get back to work. We'll get someone here to scan your undi-...your,
uh, laundry," the first AMO said.
"Ah, OK then. Thanks." Leah pulled on the now vacated second boot and heaved
another sigh of relief. ~That was too close...~

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