Star Trek Sim/ Star Trek RPG
USS Eagle, NCC 2185
Title: More Questions Than Answers: Countdown to Armageddon, Part Nineteen
Location: The USS Eagle
Setting: Sickbay
The Empress was in Sickbay, doing better but still in critical condition
and unconscious.
Dr. Laleia-Lii, the CMO of the USS Eagle, and Dr. Trava, the CMO of the Galadonese
Warship, the GSS Protectress, were there also in the Golovaht, a Galadonese
method of transferring information telepathically from one person to another.
During this, Dr. Trava recognized and now understood that her Eagle counterpart
had done her best to try and save the Empress' life. She also learned that
the Empress wanted peace very much and that the Federation alien that ran
this small ship was still linked to the Empress via the Ankhanahkstoi and
had been irreversibly changed by it.
Suddenly, as Dr. Trava was finishing the Golovaht, a Turethian woman armed
with a type two phaser set to kill burst into Sickbay.
The voices inside Melania's head now became hers out loud and she said louder
and louder as if in a trance, "Must kill her. Must kill her. Then I can be
Melania became more agitated making her way near Dr. Trava, the Empress and
Captain who looked entirely Galadonese. "Where is she???" she screamed.
This caused Dr Trava to lose attention and she slipped and let something
she was trying to hide telepathically from the Eagle's CMO to the front of
her mind.
The CMO despite having a very difficultly time with the Golovaht had been
trying to learn what she could of the process and anything else she could
manage. Her efforts paid off when Dr Trava dropped her telepathic' guard
and revealed that the Galadons had a super weapon that could destroy the
their hated enemy, the Tureth, in a short period of time. She tried to tune
into that thought but it vanished as Dr. Trava recovered quickly from her
At this time an assistant security officer (played by our old friend Bink)
entered Sickbay.
Melania turned around suddenly and fired at him. . .
(That's of course when we ended the sim.;o))

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