Food processor-Animation based on an old Star Trek FASA RPG Design - Please use the back key to return to this page.
Shuttlebay- Cartoon Animation in form of a GIF - Please use the back key to return to this page.
Sickbay- Cartoon
Auxiliary Systems Monitoring Station- Cartoon - Please use the back key to return to this page.
Communications Station - Cartoon
Main Engineering - Cartoon
Torpedo Room- Cartoon Please use the back key to return to this page.
Transporter Room- Cartoon - Please use the back key to return to this page.
Exterior images of a Star Trek Oberth ship, including some original drawings and animation:
Drawing of the forward and aft parts of an Oberth ship - Please use the back key to return to this page.
Animated Oberth vessel traveling in space - Please use the back key to return to this page.
Oberth blue prints and Oberth schematics - Coming soon!
Stay tuned right here for new link when it is finished!!
Original Ship and Specs for original alien vessels,Classifed Reports- Coming soon!
Stay tuned right here for new link when it is finished!!
Departments for our Oberth ship:
Star Trek Departments - Links, Logos & Insignia