Star Trek Sim/RPG:The USS Eagle, NCC 2185
Captain's Logs: Race for Space

Title: CAPTAIN'S LOG: STARDATE 200407.12
Location: USS Eagle
Setting: The Bridge
Captain Kematsopoulos is on the bridge keeping a close eye on the planet
below and events unfolding onboard. The Communications Officer has just informed
him that the remainder of Away Team Two is safely onboard. He has also informed
him that both the UKR and TU governments are gearing up for some type of
large scale war. From what LT Schuler has figured out, it looks like the
casualties will be in the billions. The Captain is very worried about his
people below, any other scientists that may have survived and the native
He punches a button on the captain's chair and readies the recording device.
His strong tenor activates it.
STARDATE 200407.12
'Captain Kematsopoulos here. Good news
first. LCDR Unstoffe, LT Anderson and the rest of Away Team Two have
beamed onboard.
Now the other. It appears that both
of the governments of Bantos IV are gearing up for a major war. Our
projections put casualties in the billions
for both sides. The two world leaders have had nothing but hostile
conversations and now have stopped speaking
to each other. I can't help shake the feeling that there is something
else going on below than two groups
trying to fight for superiority on that one large land mass that they share.
We still have two people below and an
undetermined number of scientists below. It is possible that no more
survived than we have already rescued.
I will be forced to make a decision soon to recall our people if the war
begins. I cannot risk their lives for
people who may be dead already. Kematsopoulos out.'
End log."
The Captain thinks for a moment the difficult nature of being in command.
Sometimes you had only two decisions to make as he did now. Either of which
could result in someone's death. He checks his schedule again to see
the obvious. They are overdue to a Tellarite Outpost to pick up new people
transferring to the Eagle.
'This additional mission (rescuing the
scientists) is making us late for the rendezvous to pick up new crewmen
so I
have ordered the COMMO to send a message to the Tellarite Trading Outpost
as soon as we are free of our obligations here.
With the unknown cloaked vessel
nearby, our people below, scientists unaccounted for and off world unknown
involvement we can assume our communications are being monitored. '
End log."
The Captain thinks to himself and does not say out loud. "This
is a horrible situation for those kids to be in. That Outpost is well
known for its nefarious elements that collect there. I don't like the thought
of having any of my people there one bit. Admiral Flayton should have listened
to me. This is no place for Starfleet Officers and certainly
not young ensigns. I can only hope they are staying away from the lower
decks, staying safe and keeping a low profile."
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