Star Trek Sim: Star Trek RPG
USS Eagle, NCC 2185
Duty Log for 10/8 sims by Ralph1 & 10/
"The Twisted - Part 1 (of 1? pending)"
Ralph runs around in circles.... Ahhhhh conduits here....
circuits there.... all on fire, tangled, spliced, short circuited, or just
not working... an engineering nightmare this life support system is.
Ralph looks to the left where in engineering on the Eagle he would have someone
helpful helping him. Here he had himself hardly handing his tools.
He would have to give up if things didn't start putting them selves together,
which what was not occurring. And then he thought of an idea....
He took out his communicator "Ralph to [name removed due to possibility of
being framed or something weird]" .... the person told him that the script
would be temporarily rewritten where 2 universes will collide temporarily
and there will be two Ralph's to help him work out the cords.
And that was how Ralph finally repaired (partially, pending
fires that will cause circuits to be just as fried as they were before depending
on Nouri's script conflictions which I dunno of) the ::BEEP! :: Star Trek
RPG: Star Trek Sim: LOGS:More Questions than Answers Episode 10 [sensored]
life support system, lived happily ever after, was forced to throw his clone
out an airlock or was it the clone that threw him out because there was no
way for the clone to return and only one of them could stay alive, and continued
to work in the engineering of the Star for the duration of the chain of sims.
Ensign Ralph: The Twisted [Part 2 and Final?]
Recap: The evil Ralph had just thrown Ralphie from this dimension out of
the airlock, his dimension was obviously evil and he had wanted to escape
by pretending to be Ralph. He is equally skilled and has the same
personality as Ralph (thus over this time everyone thinks that it is truly
me when it is not and causes no plot complications and can be put in at any
time you wish).
The Ralph wiped his hands and a tear shed from his eye, but he shook it off
saying it would be better that way, besides, if he was still alive he would
have to go back into his dimension. They would never catch on because
I am
after all the perfect Ralph in every way the other Ralph was. He went
to repairing stuff on the Star. Suddenly a thought overcame his mind,
if in this dimension the Star explodes or something, what would happen to
me, he wonders. Suddenly, out of the shadows comes another figure.
"What have you done?" said the figure barely visible...
"Wha---" a thought comes over the Evil Ralphie... had this person seen
throw the other Ralph out the airlock? What would be the punishment
this universe for murder? What will happen? Time for a commercial
Do you like muffins? Well, try new Spitzer's red muffin pasta.
All the
noodly ingredients you love with the muffiny taste of..... red muffin
pasta! Try it today.
Are you suffering from problems in your marriage? Do you hate someone but
can't express it? Are you in financial debt? Have you ever wondered
the square root of a number is? Do you need professional help but can't
afford it? Then call me now for your free tarot reading... for only
$4.54 a
minuet you can have advise that comes up on the computer screen in front
me! The computer knows your future... call now!
We interrupt this commercial break for another commercial. Come down
Spitzer's auto junk for free cars starting at only $5044 that's right, these
brand new babies are waiting for a test drive. At Spitzer's used auto
sale we have dozens of newly used cars in all the colors a dog can see,
that's right, black, white, and many shades of ugly grey!
Price and participation may vary. According to a national study most
teenagers under the year of 54 wish this commercial was shorter so
could watch their show instead of being bothered.
.... TV Time Recycling
"Wha---" a thought comes over the Evil Ralphie... had this person seen
throw the other Ralph out the airlock? What would be the punishment
this universe for murder? What will happen?
"You know what you have just done?" asked the figure, now stepping
"Oh no!" gasped the Evil Ralphie, unsure but shocked at the same time.
figure was Ralph.... ahhhhhhhhhh drama! "What is going on? Has
universe entered this one?"
"Not quite" the other Ralph has his phaser drawn and pointed at E-Ralph,
"here, like all evil mad scientists, I will explain what is going to
happen... or are you the evil scientist that should be doing the explaining?
no matter, I saw what happened and understood fully"
If the evil Ralph could pronounce a question mark without a consonant before
it, he did.
"Well, some time in the near future you will be warped back in time.
that time you will throw yourself out an airlock."
The evil Ralph laughed, "As though I would actually throw myself out an
airlock!! Hah...?"
"Well of course you are, because it has already happened, you see, when you
just threw me out that airlock you were actually throwing yourself out an
airlock. You better be prepared, it could happen any second... I believe
your last words were as followed, just so you don't start a time paradox:
'ahhhh stop! It's me! You don't know what your are doing! Ahhhh
wait I should
try saying something different to start a time paradox! Oh ::BEEP!::
[sensored by Mr.Kemat]!
Nooooooooooooo.' so be ready because we don't know when..." the normal Ralph
looks up to see that the Evil Ralph was gone and all was normal...
Executive Producer
Ralph Dudley
~Ralph: The Alternative Universe~
Location: USS Star
Ralph was working on the comm system, having minor successes occasionally.
He was thinking a lot, as the human race should think for otherwise we
wouldn't have been able to exist, or maybe if we still existed it just would
have been weird... In the comm circuits he saw figures, much
like humans
had used to, and some still do, look into the sky and make figures out of
clouds. Then he noticed there were no figures and that he was just
making a
wire-figure of a person. Gwah, gotta do my job, he reminded himself.
Location: Earth [the alternative universe]
Ralph rushed to his job.... this was his 3rd time late,
but it couldn't
be helped. After all, his ballerina lessons take priority as stated
section 4 of article 23 of the constitution of Klingons. The Klingons
taken over all of Fredermation about 10 years back. They were known
as a
kind race with knowledge of large destructive forces and a fetish for arts.
Everyone welcomed the takeover. The Federation
had declared bankruptcy
and were selling Earth. The Klingons had made it a more harmonious
After arriving at work, Ralph got on the consol and started
looking for a
good thing to air on UTV, the most popular shows to exist were played on
air. The shows ranged from sci-fi to drama, depending on what was found
the univer-scanner, which in theory scanned other universes and transmitted
visually what was going on.
His boss, known as Mr. Kemat was expecting a good sci-fi
film to be
ready by this afternoon so I had to do a more difficult task than normal.
Dramas were easy because all you would need to do is find the coordinates
of a planet in an alternative universe and scan the planet for eligible
situations. Sci-fis you would have to look into outer-space for people
having adventures in the universe.
Ralph was scanning and scanning when suddenly something
caught his eye.
He zoomed in to see a space ship. USS Eagle... and another one, USS
The USS Star was not fully operational. A perfect sci-fi film setting!
Location: USS Star
Ralph twiddles around with a few more circuits.
He notices a spot where
they have been separated and reconnects them. w00t. He tests
the comm
again and has no success. He picks his nose and flings the bugger away.
Location: UTV-HQ [the alternative universe]
Ewww.... hmmm to edit that out of the final cut or not?
It could add
some kind of character development for the viewers. This decision may
or lower the ratings... what to do? Drop it. He next zoomed
into sickbay
which was having problems of their own. Wounded, killed(?), etc..
suspenseful scene with a doctor trying to save someone's life. Suddenly
phone rang.
"Hello?" he asked.
"Hello, Ralph, this is your boss, Mr. Kemat," ara! Was
the deadline due
already? What was going to happen, "We would like to tell you that
you are
fired. We have already found an eligible candidate for our Sci-fi show we
are going to sell to UPN with the label 'Star Trek'. Have a very nice day"
Indeed. So the adventures of USS Eagle never will
come to place on
prime time TV. Ralph tossed the tape to the side and left.
~200 years later
Ralph, the 8th in the line of people with the first name of Ralph, sat down
to watch TV, "And now.... UPN is proud to present a show which has
lost for 200 years. The Adventures of USS Eagle on... U P N"
Sirius South
Ralph suddenly felt dizzy. He tried to concentrate but
couldn't. Perhaps it was the situation.... or perhaps not, he'd never
know. He did know that he had been through a lot in not so much time.
From being chained to a wall, to pretending to be chained to a wall.....
escaping from a fate that is now unknown, to be put into a situation where
a prehistoric animal was looking for a snack. Going through cavern-like
places with strange indecipherable writing......
Ralph shook his head Don't think about stuff that I can't
do anything about he thought.... So he thought of something else.... What
of that alien babe? Yea, that's a good thought..... He thought of his
love interest whom he barely knew, but a love interest is still a love interest,
and she was pretty dam hot so that tips the score.
I wonder what she's doing now, Ralph reflected and suddenly
didn't feel as bad. He regained normal perception of things just in
time to hear a pun about a light fixture which he was trying to construct.
Ralph grinned.
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