Star Trek Sim/ Star Trek RPG
USS Eagle, NCC 2185

Image of face of K'Arak,Leader of the Sandokhans, Reptillian Captain of the USS Eagle image of face,Human


Joint logs by Unstoffe (Guest Alien) and NouriKemat(CO)

Title: More Questions Than Answers: Reunions, The Lady in Blue, Part Ten
Location: Unknown
Setting: The Sandokhan Interrogation Room

    "Then let one of us go to the surface and bring you more proof," the Captain challenged him.

    "I will hear more first," K'Arak, the warrior leader of the Sandokhans said.

    "What do you want me to tell you?" Nouri asked.

    "Tell me again why you were at the landing site," K'Arak demanded, unwilling to believe any earlier answer.

    "We were watching the transfer," he said.

    "Again, to what purpose?  What did you hope to gain by merely watching as you
continue to assert?" K'Arak pressed.  He meant to get the truth from this one.

    "We wanted to learn how to contact the leader of the revolutionary faction and who was selling the arms," the Captain explained.

    "Which faction?  The only one's present were the arms merchant and those
supported by the Galadons," K'Arak scoffed.

    "The Galadonese revolutionaries trying to over throw the Tureth government. Do you know how to contact him or her?" Captain Kematsopoulos asked.

    "Ah, you speak like the outsider that your are. There's is not a revolution, but a civil war.  How do you expect to solve anything when you know so little?" K'Arak sneered in reply. "These outsiders come to meddle and yet understand nothing of this world," he thought.

    "That's the part of the problem isn't it? What do you think is going on?" Captain Kematsopoulos asked. He was trying to not only find out more information but get an interrogation turned into a discussion and information gathering session.

    "I think that too many aliens want to take over our home, though to what purpose I cannot understand," K'Arak replied, exasperated.

    "Civil war??" the Captain said trying to encourage and coax more dialogue out of his captor.

    "Yes, civil war.  Is that not the term when the factions within a government resort to arms to settle their disputes?" lectured K'Arak.

    "Yes and within?? I thought the Galadonese faction was from without. I regret that the
Federation has little history on your planet and people. Please tell me more," the seasoned negotiator asked.

Title: More Questions Than Answers: Reunions, The Lady in Blue, Part Eleven
Location: Unknown
Setting: The Sandokhan Interrogation Room

    The alien leader, K'Arak, starred at his captive unable to comprehend his near complete lack of knowledge of the history of Sirius South and the war that plagued it.  What arrogance of this Federation!  To think they could bring peace while understanding so little.  It would be a poor peace and one that would carry a high price if something were not done.  Out of exasperation, K'Arak decided to give this prisoner a lesson in his planet's woes.  After taking a deep, calming breath he began.

    "Once we were a united, peaceful world.  The Tureth came and offered us
technology, education, and more.  All they asked in return was permission to visit us;  
To send their people and ships to the planet for rest and food. Slowly, one party (of Sandokhans) began to monopolize this relationship to stay in power."  K'Arak struggled to explain something so complicated as a planetary government in a few phrases.

    "Then the Galadonese arrived. At that point, the Tureth were only still visitors.  They had no permanent presence on our world.  The Galadonese asked to trade with us.
The opposition party, whose influence had waned to almost nothing, pushed for this to be allowed. At first, those in power did not object. We had no formal treaty with the Tureth.  
If one alien's technology was good, two's was better. Those in power thought they could also monopolize the Galadons as well. If the Tureth ever failed, they would have a back-up." K'Arak knew this was an oversimplification.  There were many sides to the argument, but the truth was in this fact.  Sandokhan government had always been dominated by two political parties.  The Tureth patronage of one had allowed it to supersede and bully its rival as never before.

    "The difference was that the Galadons asked to set up a trading post on the
planet, one that would always be occupied by their representatives. Again, the government gave its consent. Then the Tureth returned.  They were furious that another power had been
allowed to establish a "permanent presence" on our world.  They claimed we violated
their trust and must expel the Galadons. Fearing they would lose their benefactors, those in power quickly agreed and ordered the Galadons to leave. But the opposition saw its chance at last."

    He stopped for a moment, realizing how confusing this must be for someone who had not lived it nor even heard the story before.  To convey the key elements he must not let the his descriptions become to complex.  He tried, "For simplicity, let me state that those in power at the time came mostly from our western continents.  Those in opposition drew mainly from the East."  It was as good as any.  While both parties had pockets of support in all areas, the main split did line up this way.  

    "The East thought if the West could have its aliens then the East could have ones as well.  They demanded a public hearing to debate the future of these invaders of our world.
Knowing they controlled enough of the vote to win in any case, the West agreed.  The Tureth and Galadons would each present their case."  

    K'Arak paused momentarily and starred blankly.  For just a second his prisoner was not there.  He was remembering the tragedy that had befallen his planet.  Then he continued, his voice restrained and quiet, "However, on that fateful day, when the Tureth and Galadons met for the first time, they exploded in violence. Many died and the debate was never held. Both Tureth and Galadons blamed us for the disaster and demanded restitution and expulsion of the other side. The opposition was still weak and lost the vote and  declared their small region independent and allow the Galadons to remain."

    "The area under their control was very small and would have been crushed
quickly had not the Galadons given them aid. Soon both sides were getting help and the Tureth moved in permanently as well.  Your impression that the Galadonese faction is a revolution no doubt stems from the fact that they have mostly been on the losing side.
They still retain some small slips of territory and a robust guerilla network so peace through a Tureth victory has eluded the planet.  Even now as official Galadonese and Tureth support for their factions seems to wane, they both continue to receive supplies from those like the arms merchant we captured along with you.  And there have been rumors of yet another group of outsiders lurking in the background foiling any attempts at peace."

    Again K'Arak paused, dwelling for a moment on the events that had thrust him into this unwelcome role.  Finally, he looked at his captive once more and stated simply, "That is what I mean by 'civil war'."

Title: More Questions Than Answers: Reunions, The Lady in Blue, Part Twelve
Location: Unknown
Setting: The Sandokhan Interrogation Room

    "Thank you. I think I understand more now. Did the first meeting of these two races happen on your planet?" the Captain asked. His line of responses and questions were having the desired effect. K'Arak was answering his questions. Hands still bound and forced to kneel before his captor, Captain Kematsopoulos had quietly taken control of the interrogation and led it into a discussion of the problems of Sirius South to seek out solutions for it.

    K'Arak thought for a moment, trying to keep the chronology of events straight in his mind.  "It may have.  We know little of them before they arrived here.  From the way
they talked, they seem to have heard of each other at least. It is possible that any prior communication was via some type of device and the first face-to-face meeting occurred here, yes."

    The alien's concerns were ridiculous and K'Arak was becoming impatient.  He declared rhetorically, "I fail to see why that matters.  One does not go to war simply because another species looks are repellent."

    "We hosted both races on board our ship for negotiations. Each side seemed nice and reasonable enough-until we put them in the same room. The result was emotionally explosive," the Captain said trying to lead up to why this new attempt at negotiations would have higher chances of success and why the Sandokhans should support and join it.

    "By this point, I would expect that. Both sides have been very viscous against
the other," interjected K'Arak dismissing the Captain's conjecture.

    "No one could understand the depth of the problem with negotiating until I began to mutate. I was on good terms with the Turethian Ambassador until my body changed more and more into a Galadon. As I did so, we were less and less able to control our feelings. It got to the point that we could barely stand to be in the same room with each other and then he physically attacked me," he explained.

    "The biologies of the two races are incompatible. That has been a big part of the problem, but now we know this and can work to eliminate it," the Captain continued.

    K'Arak was disturbed by the Captain's insistence on returning to this ridiculous tale of mutations and morphing into another species.  Such things were not possible.  Still, to believe this was happening, this alien must have been too close to the Galadons at some point and that was troubling.  He voiced his doubts, "Ah, this mutation, we return to that.  If it is so, it is a reason not to trust you. You have been corrupted by the blood of my enemies."

    "It was not my choice to mutate. I want to remain human. As awful as it has been, the mutation has however been a chance to experience first hand the intense irrational feelings of hatred and violence that each side has for each. I better understand how hard it is for them to get along now," he explained.

    K'Arak considered the Captain's explanation and rapidly came to a conclusion.  If the war was simply the result of biological incompatibilities the prospects were dim.  He responded sarcastically, "Then your mission, if I take your word as true, will be a failure. Unless you can mutate all of one side into the other."

    "Our doctors are working on a cure. They haven't found one yet but there are other ways to mask the pheromones and remove that explosive component from the talks. However, we still have to combat all the years of hatred and acts against each other," the CO said.

    "They may hate each other for eternity as long as they leave my world.  How can
you help with that?  If you cannot, I might as well kill you now.  I have yet to see a war
solved with perfume," K'Arak stormed.  He was starting to lose his patience and realized he had already lost control of the conversation.

    "The mutation was an accident. It can't be replicated even if we wanted to
and we don't. It's a horrible thing to go through," Nouri said shakily, involuntarily shuddering at what it had done to him. The Captain pushed his feelings aside on this matter, took a deep breath and went on.

    "The 'perfume' of rational works and thinking was the balm we hoped for. Both sides were going to call for a cease fire and talk for one last time. We had some success with pheromone dampening. I can enter a room of Tureth now without them wanting to instantly kill me," the Captain explained with his voice in control again.

    K'Arak wanted to turn the conversation back to his needs, "So your perfume works and they are calm.  Even if they call a cease-fire, they remain on Sirius.  It solves your problem, not mine."

    "It begins to solve your problem. Will they leave your planet while any of the other race remains alive here? No! They will continue to fight each other with more and more weapons and bring their ships," the Captain countered.

    K'Arak was losing his temper.  He countered sharply, "You are wrong.  Each day the fighting sickens the people and more and more abandon the old leaders, on both sides.  One day my people will rise up and expel the invaders and punish their minions who have allowed this poison on my world."  He knew the Sandokhan were capable of wresting control of their world back on their own and was certain of the path to get there.

    "When? After the planet is laid waste?

    After more of you people die?

    How many of you will be left to inherit a dustball?" Nouri challenged him.

Title: More Questions Than Answers: Reunions, The Lady in Blue, Part Thirteen
Location: Unknown
Setting: The Sandokhan Interrogation Room

    "We do not fear death when the cause is just," K'Arak announced, defending his position.

    "That is indeed noble, but is it wise? What if you don't have to die?" the Captain asked.

    "Any path to peace must install new leaders on Sirius. Without that the cycle of violence will continue," K'Arak tried to explain.

    "How would you like that to happen?" The Captain trying to get his input. He had turned his capture into a way of getting a dialogue going with the elusive militant indigenous faction.

    "The people of Sirius must have a voice in any peace.  I will not have our world
cut up into pieces by others so they can have peace at our expense," he demanded firmly.

    "Agreed," said Nouri. This is something he had wanted even before he came to this world.

    Satisfied with the Captain's acknowledgment of his demands, K'Arak pushed further, "Those who claim to be our leaders are mere puppets.  They speak for no one but
themselves and their masters. I ask again, how would you accomplish this?"

    "Talk to all sides. Try to find a solution," Captain Kematsopoulos said.

    The Captain's intensity and concentration on this topic began to convince K'Arak that the core of his story must be true.  Perhaps these aliens were here to try and solve their problems, but the naivete of the Federation could be dangerous.  He stated flatly, "I begin to feel your motives are as noble as you say, but a noble fool can cause much trouble."

    "That is why one learns from all sides -- to gain both wisdom and understanding," Nouri explained.

    "But whom will you choose as your representatives for each side?  In that choice
lies the balance of wisdom or foolishness," K'Arak warned.  In his own mind, the only wise course included him.  Even if he could convince the Captain of that necessity would he be able to convince others?  He asked, "And what makes you think anyone will accept your choice?

    "As I have done with you...I will talk to all from each side who want their voices heard to get a better picture of what people think is going on," he answered.

    "Then you will lose yourself in the crowd.  Here who hears all hears nothing
noise, K'Arak proclaimed.

    "Perceptions in negotiations can be more important to address than a piece of land. He who listens to only one person hears only their perception of truth or easily believes their lie set forth as truth," Captain Kematsopolous countered softly.

Title: More Questions Than Answers: Reunions, The Lady in Blue, Part Fourteen
Location: Unknown
Setting: The Sandokhan Interrogation Room

    K'Arak had begun to accept his captive for what he claimed to be, an intermediary attempting to resolve the struggle between the Galadons and Tureth.  While taken aback by his own acceptance that an "offworlder" could come to his planet for some reason other than to exploit it, K'Arak was incredulous of the Captain's seeming naivete.  His very openness and desire to be evenhanded could only jeopardize K'Arak's ultimate goal -- the removal of all offworlders from Sirius South.  With this in mind he continued to press his prisoner.

    "I begin to believe your story of the landing," he began.  "Still all you do is talk of 'observing'.  Observing solves nothing.  At some point you must choose. You must act," he emphasized.

    "Absolutely, but the actions, the choices are to be all of yours, not the Federation's," Captain Kematsopoulos said gaining more control of the situation.

    K'Arak scoffed, "You see the choices made by those in power around you.  Do you think they will solve this themselves?"  "This man is willing to talk until the sun goes dark," he thought.  The frustration was beginning to show on his face.

    "Not by themselves. That is why we are here and why we have been asked here. They recognize that they can't do that one their own," the Captain said.

    "If you have truly been asked by both the Tureth and Galadons to mediate, you must set the rules," pressed K'Arak.  

    "I will set the rules for negotiations, but not the rules for what will happen or who will rule that is neither mine nor the Federation's to decide," the CO explained.

    K'Arak sensed an opening.  If this alien decided what the rules of the negotiations were, he should be able to add someone to the table. "Whose voices will you include in these negotiations?  That is the choice you must make," he challenged.

    "Yes," Nouri replied.

    K'Arak found his way in!  This alien could decide who would be party to the negotiations and both he and his companions were K'Arak's hostages.  "Choose wisely, for your life and those of your companions lies in that decision," he threatened.

    "More than that. Much more is at stake. As I said this war will destroy your planet and spread to this sector and beyond. Once the space war ignites over Sirius South the Galadons and Tureth will take it beyond your world and their allies will assist," the Captain ignored the threats trying instead to impress upon K'Arak the seriousness of the entire situation and why he should support the negotiations.

    From K'Arak's position, the Captain seemed to miss his point; therefore, K'Arak tried to focus the conversation back to the choice of who would negotiate his people's fate. "That may be so, but that lies in the future.  I speak of this moment.  This decision.  If you choose poorly, the rest will not be your concern any longer," he said.

    "It is not I who makes that choice. The choice to give peace its last chance is yours. Will you free us?"  Nouri asked, hoping this to be the best point in the discussion to do so.

    Unknown to either, the two were speaking at cross-purposes.  The Captain was desperately trying to convince his captor that his efforts were crucial to the negotiations and to continue to hold his crew and him captive jeopardized this vanishing chance for peace.  In Nouri's mind the "choice" they were discussing was one of peace versus war and to tip the balance in favor of peace, K'Arak had to let him go.  
    K'Arak had a much more narrow focus.  In his mind the only choice they were discussing was who would participate in the negotiations and the only possible answer must include his representative.  So when the Captain said, "It is not I who makes that choice," K'Arak had stopped listening.  He interpreted this remark as a reversal of the Captain's earlier admission that one of his powers was to include others in the negotiations.  He was furious at this blatant deception and thought, "It is best to kill this one now and stop wasting my time thinking an offworlder could help."

Title: More Questions Than Answers: Reunions, The Lady in Blue, Part Fifteen
Location: Unknown
Setting: The Sandokhan Interrogation Room

    K'Arak gripped the table tightly as he tried to maintain control of himself. "Could the alien not give a straight answer and stick to it?  Clearly he had said 'yes' when asked if he decided who would be invited to the peace conference.  Yet, now he was claiming that was not his choice to make," the warrior leader thought. Neither he nor the Captain realized each was referring to a different choice.  To K'Arak it was the Captain's choice of who would sit at the negotiating table.  To Nouri it was K'Arak's choice to free him so the negotiations could go forward, or instead impede the path to peace and kill its last chance along with the Away Team. Captain Kematsopoulos knew from intelligence reports that both the Tureth and the Galadons had a large war fleet assembled and awaiting orders to begin the war on a scale not yet seen in the conflict.

    When K'Arak finally responded, he spoke slowly, "You keep changing your words. First you say 'yes' and then 'no'."  Again K'Arak paused and stared at the alien.  He was becoming increasingly infuriated by this man.  At last he ordered, "State clearly your role in this now!  I grow tired of equivocation."

    The lengthy interrogation turned negotiation had taken its toll on Nouristao. He was exhausted, very dehydrated and losing his concentration. He had no idea what K'Arak was talking about, nor why he was suddenly so upset. Both he and the militant leader wanted the same thing- a Sandokhan at the negotiation table. "What is the problem?" he thought. Nouri's mind and soul hoped he could figure this out and stay lucid just long enough to get his people freed and to get the Sandokhans to the negotiation table. His body, however, just wanted to sleep even it if the only way was for it to be chained to a wall.

    "I do not understand. We are here to facilitate negotiations to end the war to keep it from spreading out into the galaxy. To get peace. To get dialogue. To get solutions," Nouri explained.

    Not knowing exactly what was asked from fatigue, Captain Kematsopoulos repeated something on the general topic hoping it would fit the question. He didn't want the Sandokhan to know how weak he was and try to use it to his advantage.

    K'Arak would not accept so nebulous and answer.  He wanted the details.  He wanted to know exactly what this alien could and could not do for his planet.  He narrowed his questioning.  "As a negotiator, what is your authority?  What powers have you been given?" he demanded.

    "I have authority give to me by the UFP to negotiate this. I hold the title of UFP Charge d'affaires and am a member of the Order of Sevak," he said thinking first only of the roles in this given to him by the Federation that he belonged to.

    "Still not specific," K'Arak thought to himself.  He rephrased his question.  "Have the Galadons and Tureth given you the authority to judge and mandate a solution?" he asked.

    "The President of Tureth and the Empress of All Galadon have given me authority to conduct the negotiations. I am not here to judge. I am not here to mandate. Who should I talk to among your people for a representative?" he said trying to get the conversation turned back to working on a solution to the war.

    Now, at least, K'Arak knew that whatever authority this man had, it came from the highest levels.  He could still be useful, but K'Arak needed an answer to his original question.  He repeated, "Do you have the authority to decide who sits at your negotiating table?"

    "I can add people. What is your suggestion?" Captain Kematsopoulos asked, meaning that he wanted a name of a Sandokhan to include in the negotiations.

    "Finally!" K'Arak exclaimed in his mind.  This captive could get him into the negotiations after all.  The prisoner's tone indicated that he did not quite understand the situation.  Without betraying his own excitement, K'Arak avowed, "It is not a suggestion.  Someone of my people must speak for my people.  Our fate will not be left in the hands of offworlders or their lapdogs."

    "I agree that the Sandokhan must have a representative," the Captain was most pleased. This was a critical missing component in the negotiations that until his capture he had no way of addressing.

    "I meant the suggestion for a person to sit at the table," he said clarifying his last response as he inferred that the Sandokhan may have misinterpreted what he said or that the Universal Translator may have gotten it wrong. Nouri wanted desperately to move the conversation forward and get some sleep.

    "At last we are in agreement," K'Arak thought, "this Captain has agreed that a native Sandokhan must be part of the negotiations and that the government stooges on either side are unfit for that role."  It was, of course, obvious to K'Arak who was the only Sandokhan capable of truly representing Sirius South.  While it was still too dangerous to attend personally, a trusted aide would suffice during the initial stages.  

    Happily, K'Arak announced, "Then I shall send my ambassador to attend." "Your freedom is contingent upon this," he added quickly so there would be no question of the Captain changing his mind.

    Nouri's heart sunk. He tried not to betray that feeling upon his face. The Federation had very strict rules regarding not acceding to demands made under threat and he knew that they were good ones. He also could not also let any side to have an advantage like this or to believe that hostage taking was an effective way to "negotiate" with the Federation. He thought for a second before he spoke.

    "I have the power to accept your ambassador but I cannot make this choice as your captive," he said. He knew that this might end this negotiation attempt with the Sandokhan warrior leader but he had no choice. His diplomatic hands were tied on this matter with regulations as much as his physical ones were tied with rope.

    K'Arak was vexed by his opponent.  In his mind he brooded, "Could this alien not hold onto the same answer for more than a minute?  Just a moment ago he had agreed that a Sandokhan representative was necessary and that the government factions were unsuitable.  There was no one else and yet now this arrogant offworlder would reject his ambassador?"  He had no way of knowing the constraints the Federation placed upon its captains and negotiators. K'Arak decided to be uncharacteristically blunt.  He said simply, "Your freedom, if not your life, is contingent upon this agreement.  You remain alive because I think you are useful to my cause.  If that usefulness ends, so does the life."

    "I am also not afraid to die for what I believe in. But I do fear that your people and your planet will die for nothing," Nouri said adamantly.

    "You keep saying you 'agree' but when a real proposal is on the table you equivocate," K'Arak challenged.

    "There is no proposal only threats," Nouri countered to expose the truth of the matter. He paused again and resumed.

    "It is important to have a a Sandokhan representative at the table this is obvious to me. But I cannot and will not take your ambassador under any conditions of threat," the Captain repeated.

Title: More Questions Than Answers: Reunions, The Lady in Blue, Part Sixteen
Location: Unknown
Setting: The Sandokhan Interrogation Room

    The interrogation turned negotiation had seemed to have reached a standstill.  K'Arak's level of frustration continued to rise.  He pondered, "How could this alien, who had chosen to get involved in this war and who had let himself be captured without a struggle, now simply demand to be freed and offer nothing for his freedom?"  It went against all K'Arak had ever been taught.  In his world, prisoners were just another pawn of war, to be used to further the aims of the captor.  His thoughts returned to this training, "One did not free them until hostilities ended unless it was in exchange for something of value.  And in this war, I have less of everything than my opponents; less men, less arms, less technology.  I have to use every tool in my possession to achieve our freedom.  Why could this alien not see this?"  

    In an effort to convince the Captain, he explained, "I am a pragmatist.  I do not deal in theories.  You agree one of my people must be at the table.  You agree the toadies calling themselves our leaders do not qualify. It is obvious that I represent a third armed party that could disrupt any arrangements you arrive at without me.  For that reason it would be wise to include my representative."  He hoped the logic of the situation would sway his prisoner, but if it alone did not, he added, "I will take a great risk should I let you go.  There should be some concrete return for that risk."

    "Wisdom need not be threatened only instructed. I can promise nothing in return for letting us go but that we will give everything we have and sacrifice everything we can to get peace for you, this planet and the two warring empires," Captain Kematsopoulos said.

    "Obviously, this alien's pride won't allow him to admit he has been coerced," thought K'Arak. It was not pride of course but he did not know that.  The Captain's principled stand based on long established Star Fleet regulations was outside of K'Arak's realm of experience.  He could find no other explanation than that the Captain ego refused to let him admit he'd lost.  K'Arak tried to give his captive a way out by suggesting, "Do not consider it a threat.  Consider it a bargain.  I have something you want, and you have something I want.  The risks to me in letting you go are larger than the risks of keeping you.  I should be compensated for that risk." K'Arak tried to soften the tone of his demand further, "As it is, you are only being asked to guarantee a seat at the table, not the outcome of the negotiations."

    "My race has a saying 'He who will not risk cannot win (John Paul Jones).' Is not peace worth that risk? Peace like war involves both battles and risks," Nouri instructed. He reiterated his stance, "I cannot guarantee a seat under threat or any other conditions like that. The Federation has rules against that. Another Federation race, the Vulcans, have a saying, 'For the ends to profit, the beginnings must be clean.'"

    "Peace means many things depending on your point of view.  The risk of my point of view being excluded is not worth the risk, no," concluded K'Arak. He might believe the alien's story, but that did not mean that he trusted him.  He might achieve peace between the Galadons and Tureth, but at what price to his own world?

    "What peace do you have now? If you kill us all how will that bring peace? 'The spear in your enemy's heart is in your own.' (Surak ) With us dead, the last seed of the last peace plant dies also," the former resident of Vulcan stated firmly.

    K'Arak was incensed by the scope of the man's claims. He would not be preached to.  K'Arak spat back, "I never indicated you were essential to any of my plans for peace or war. The fighting started without you and will likely continue without you. Peace will arrive when the price of war becomes too high."

    "Although it is true that 'he talks peace if it is the only way to live'. (Surak) You have no plans for peace except for when you planet is laid so waste by war that neither side will want it anymore," the Captain said.

    "The time is now to take every chance for peace! Now is also the time to take the greatest risks," he finished.

    K'Arak continued to be amazed at the Captain's insistence on the worst case.  He offered, "That is one scenario, but if the war expands greatly this planet may just as likely become an ignored backwater."

    "Will you let this chance slip through your hands. Will you continue to try and kill everyone trying to get peace going here? Is that your plan? When your world is laid waste, what victory is that for you?" Captain Kematsopoulos said trying to lay the issue bare.

    K'Arak was impressed by the Captain's persistence and earnestness.  Still, he had been at this too long to believe this opportunity was either unique or had a great chance of success.  He felt his approach was rationale and if his captive were not so adamant, the only reasonable course open to him.  He responded flatly, "You represent a slim chance for peace that I am not ignoring."

    The CO felt a moment of triumph that K'Arak recognized that he had presented a real chance for peace but did not show it on his face. He pressed on, "What inheritance will you leave your children when this is over?"

    K'Arak was losing patience with this line of thought and rebutted, "I put little faith in your warnings of Armageddon.  It will serve no one's purpose to destroy this planet.  It would be a waste of resources as we can threaten no one once they leave it."

    "It would be illogical and irrational of course, but so is their intense biologically induced hatred for each other -- as you so well have seen," he paused dramatically to let that thought set in.

    Then he added to bring his point home, "They are indeed sending their ships here to help their respective sides. I know this to be true. I have seen the reports. They will provide space support for a battle between the two alien races in your planet," the Captain said. He decided to not withhold this information from him any longer. Soon it would be come common knowledge.

    K'Arak was at a loss.  The news of the fleets was disturbing and led some credence to the alien's continued warnings of Armageddon, yet the two drew no closer to a solution K'Arak felt acceptable.  He was certain the Captain could be useful to his cause, but could not figure out how to exploit him.  To go on under these conditions was pointless.  K'Arak spoke, "I grow tired of this interview."

    He did not want to leave the Captain without hope. He still present the best opening yet seen for achieving a resolution to the war. With time there was a chance they could reach an understanding.  But with the fleet coming, time was running out.  K'Arak needed a way to both release his captive and secure an invitation to the negotiations.  He also new he would lose face with his men if he let the captives go and received nothing in return.  He thought of one possible tact and decided to plant the seed as a way of ending this session.  He waved a hand dismissively and said, "You seem mostly a harmless dreamer.  Perhaps I will release you if I can think of a way to do it without additional risk to my group. I will sleep on it.  In the meantime you will return to your cell."

    "May I see my other people now while you think?" Nouri asked hoping this was a good time. The Captain took his only and possibly last chance to see his female crew. He also hoped to delay going back to the main room with guard escort in case his crew there had not yet escaped.

    Desiring to seem magnanimous, K'Arak responded, "Concern for your people is an admirable trait. I will permit it."

    "Thank you very much. I ask you again to consider releasing my crew. You could render unconscious as you did when you brought us here to prevent us from knowing where we were taken. I could remain here and talk with you," he said.

    K'Arak thought the idea had merit, but did not want to give the Captain any more concessions at the moment.  He replied, "You have seen and heard more than I would like already, but as I said, I will think on it.  You are dismissed."

    Captain Kematsopoulos hoped of course that he could convince this man to let them all go but this was much more of a success than he expected under the circumstances.

    The warrior leader motioned for his guards to give Nouri some water and escort him from the room. The dehydrated Human/Galadon tried not to drink it all down greedily in one gulp as one of the guards raised the cup to his lips. Then the guards led him, his hands and arms still bound, to the holding room for the women prisoners for the visit.     

Hail the Captain of the USS Eagle

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